
Monday, August 29, 2011

The Anatomy of a Halloween Costume

It's the last few days of August, so I feel like this is an appropriate time to start talking about Halloween (only two more months!). I was going through my clothes before my business trip, and I made the relatively shocking discovery that it wouldn't be hard for me to dress up as this person:

Bellatrix Lestrange, of Harry Potter notoriety. If you think she looks insane, it's because she is. She's also SPOILER! in love with Voldemort, which I guess is another way of saying her cheese isn't totally on the cracker.

Now, you might be wondering why the heck I think this will be easy, since I don't exactly trot around in wizard garb. Let's break it down:

Sadly (or awesomely?), I already have four of the five key pieces. Hair of a crazy person? I can certainly make it look that way. Wand? Leftover from when I was Hermione last year. Skirt? Not quite as long, but certainly in the right neighborhood. Clunky black shoes? Yes, complete with buckles.

All I need is to create some sort of corsetry for my waistline. And if I want to get really crazy, I can modify one of my 600 black shirts to have the attractive shoulder laces seen in the first picture. But we'll see.

Of course, I'll share the corset instructions with you once I figure out what I'm doing. Ten bucks says I use Liquid Stitch.

Have you started thinking about Halloween yet? Will you make your own costume? Have you ever dressed up as a book character?


  1. I love it! You can't go wrong with an easy on the wallet costume...since they tend to get pretty pricey! Since last year I've wanted to dress up as the Greek Goddess Athena...I had/have a thing for the Percy Jackson series and Greek mythology...Athena seems fun but elegant.

  2. Haha, nice. I haven't started thinking about it yet. My costumes are always really lame.

  3. Jenna, a friend of mine was Athena last year because of that series, too. She found a cheap-o costume at one of those Halloween stores that pop up for a couple of months.

  4. I was an avatar last year - made my own costume with blue sweats and a tech shirt and silver fabric pens - I'm not sure yet for this year - I need something I can run in for the road race in Salem, MA that I'll hopefully be ready for. (It's a 6.66 mile race ;-) )

  5. Good to know! I think I "favorited" an Athena costume from one of those Halloween stores online LAST year...I'll have to search way back in my bookmark history!

  6. So much fun - you must post pictures when it comes to the time, or beforehand if you want : )

    have a great day!

  7. Ooo i cant wait to see it!! My friend shares her birthday with HP and was going to have a HP party themed for final film coming out but her parents surprised her with a holiday instead so now its going to be a Harry Potter Themed Halloween party and shes going as Bellatrix so cant wait to see what hers is like too!

  8. love it! What a great costume idea! I started thinking of ideas yesterday and was actually going to do a similar post. Can't wait to see the final costume.

  9. i love halloween! i am going to be uma therman from pulp fiction this year! my boy is gonna be john travolta :)



  10. Oh no, you're giving Hermione's wand to Bellatrix...! ;)

    Helena Bonham-Carter is great at pulling the crazy, disheveled look: just think of Mrs. Lovett!

  11. Perfect!! This will be so great. I have dressed up as Hermione quite a few times haha. Love HP.

  12. Ok, first: that was a very lovely Hermione look you pulled off! Bellatrix will be a lot of fun, too, as she is so much more crazy. Does that give you the right to also ACT crazy when dressed like her? :) Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  13. This is great. I, too, have the hair of a crazy person. I haven't even thought about Halloween, but I'm sure I will after the wedding. I like the idea of going with a character that would be semi-easy to pull off. :)


  14. Kristen, I think it absolutely gives me the right to get crazytown! I ran into somebody who dressed as Malfoy last year and he called me Mudblood all night.

  15. I think that is a great idea for Halloween. You have to post a photo of you in full gear on Halloween:):)
