
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mrs. Ronchetti Goes to Washington

As you might have guessed by the title, I was in Washington DC this weekend. It was my first time there and I LOVED it. All of the old buildings, the museums, how easy their train system was to navigate--heck, the whole city was easy for getting around. I'll definitely be going back.

One of our first stops was Union Station, which I have to say, is better than Chicago's Union Station. I mean, look at this:

Our moonlight monument tour left from the station, and while we were waiting, I took an exterior shot. This turned out so cool mainly because I had the wrong setting on my camera; I didn't do any color correction in Photoshop (not that I would have known how, anyway):

My favorite place was the Library of Congress. This room probably has an official name, but I called it the atrium:

More wacky cloud action outside the train station again, this time by the Christopher Columbus monument:

Did you know THIS is actually the front of the White House? Normally we see the other side, so I guess the Presidents are just like everybody else and like to have their parties in the backyard:

And finally, some fly-overs in honor of the brand new Martin Luther King monument (at least, that's what we think they were for). Either way, cool:

Have you been to DC? What was your favorite thing? Anybody visited all of the Smithsonians? (We only saw two).


  1. I went to DC for the first time a year ago and I was a little amazed at how small the White House is compared to TV. I always thought it was huge! I haven't gotten the chance to visit the Smithsonians but I live in Charlottesville,VA so I plan to visit them in the near future.

  2. Went to DC once many years ago for a swim competition, didn't get to see much, but I'm planning a trip for this coming February. I will be checking out your spots. Who did the Moonlight Tour?

  3. Hubs and I did a long weekend there before we had Gus so we did our own little walking tour of the city (exhausting!). Saw all the monuments, went to the zoo. We did most of the Smithsonian but the one we wanted to see- arts and entertainment (with Mr. Rogers's sweater!)- was closed. So that was disappointing. We'll just have to go back again.

  4. Lostlemonade, I'm not sure which company did the moonlight monument tour, but there were several different buses and trolleys at all of our stops, so I think it's a pretty popular thing.

  5. This looks so fun! I have been to Washington DC a few times, but I was really young. I can't remember much. :/

  6. what lovely architecture! looks like you had a fun time :)



  7. Gorgeous photos! I love all of your architecture shots. I've been to DC twice. The second time was this past summer. You can see some of my photos here:
    I love how inexpensive it is to do so much there, since so many of the government sites are free.

  8. I'm glad you had fun in my town! Which museums did you go to? I've lived here for 12.5 years, so I have kind of a love/hate relationship with DC, but it's so hard to imagine living anywhere else!

  9. My Hideaway, we went to Air and Space, and the Museum of American History. We also saw the Library of Congress, but I don't know if people consider that a museum?

    RandomCreative, we saw a lot of the same stuff! That's a great shot of the Jefferson Monument.

  10. Looks like you had a fabulous time! I love going to DC for a quick getaway-- always so much to do and just far enough away from Baltimore that it feels sort of like vacation!

  11. someday. so wanting to go. we love history and well, there's plenty of it there. great shots!!!

  12. I've always wanted to go to DC and your photos make me want to go even more!
    Glad you had a great trip and thanks for sharing your photos :)

  13. I love DC. My favorite thing was visiting my son who lives there and works as an economic analyst in the Congressional Budget Office. Visiting the Smithsonian museums was my favorite touristy thing. I don't think I've seen them all, but I've seen many.

  14. What an amazing collection of photos! I love the exterior shot of union station, great colors. I have not been to DC in years, but when I have been it is always wonderful.
    Everyday Inspired
