
Thursday, November 17, 2011

DIY: Tiny Picture Frames

Yesterday afternoon I popped into Michael's to buy some jewelry stuff, as I've been known to do. The store got renovated recently and now has a section of dollar items by the checkout. Usually I just ignore it, because I'm not really in the market for a Bob Marley notebook or gold stationary, but today something caught my eye. Three things, actually:

Hello, friends. You're looking swell today. Sadly, I haven't figured out what to do with you.

Yeah, I could put pictures in them, but we already have a lot of that going on. I want to do something different, and here's where I need your input. Thanks to my good buddy Pinterest, I've managed to round up a few ideas:

I could put different scrapbook paper in each one...

Or since they're only a couple of inches wide, I could turn them into pincushions...

Or I could go a more traditional route and make them into ornaments.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I could always spray paint them white and use them for my craft show display, but then they'd only be around a handful of days a year. And that's a bummer.

So if you found yourself with three mini picture frames in convenient holiday colors, what would you do with them?


  1. I like the ornament idea - however the round gold one would make an amazing pin cushion! Do you have anyone on your holiday list that would like pin cushions?

  2. Being the crazy cat lady that I am...I would probably put photos of my felines in them and then at least for the holidays make them into ornaments because that is a super cute and personlized idea!

  3. I stumbled across those frames too... and stocked up ;) I have a good (but alas, secret) idea for mine.

    My vote though would be for ornaments. What caught my eye about the frames too was the decorative border, and they're so small and lightweight, most trees would be able to handle them :)

    Erin from BloggingBuddies :)

  4. I would probably make a few drawings to put inside them, or better yet, ask a child in the family to make artwork for them. :) However, the possibilities are endless!

  5. I like the ornament idea the best. Those frames are great!

  6. The colorful top ones -- total swoon. I'd be more apt to buy them from you than do it myself, though, because me + paint = tragedy.

  7. Oh these are great! I need to stop by Michael's soon. We're doing handmade-only gifts for Christmas this year, so I need to get going on that. Thanks for the idea! :)

  8. If I had a foyer table with photos on it...I would put holiday photos in these and replace the standard foyer photos.

    Or put scrapbook paper in them for a background and then use dry erase markers on them to write something, like "49 days till Christmas" or whatever holiday works for your family. I'd put them up on a mantel in that case. Since they are small you would break up the sentence between all three frames.


  9. These are super cute, what a fun idea!

  10. I think they'd look super cute as ornaments, but with scrapbook paper or fabric in them. Great score!


  11. The frames are so cute! Personally I would print little pictures of them, but the ornament and scrapbook paper ideas are great, too.

    I can normally avoid dollar sections, too, but Michael's often has good stuff there.

  12. i think some scrap paper with fun prints would be cool! i like the look of a cool frame with something other than a photo in it. it is unexpected!



  13. Hmm... I'd spraypaint the red one white so it looks "springy" with the bright green and gold, and then use them year round.

    <3 (found your through Etsy's blog buddies)

  14. I'm an artist so it's kind of obvious what I would do with them lol! I was intrigued with your idea of a pincushion.... very clever! They are a great find for a dollar!

  15. Paint 'em white! Use them every day and not just at your shows. Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday
