
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Holiday Show #1 (and some tips!)

Part of my business plan for flying the coop was to do more craft fairs. Some of you asked for tips when I made the big announcement, and I have a few to share today. But first, a quick bit of shameless self-promotion:

I'll be selling my wares this weekend, so if you're in the area and looking for a great holiday craft show, be sure to stop by and say hi!

Now, this isn't my first rodeo, and I've learned a lot over the last couple of years. The best piece of advice I can give you is to bring enough inventory. Let me say that again: bring enough inventory. Even if you think you have product up to your eyeballs, throw a few more things in the car.

The reason I say this is because at my very first show, I REALLY underestimated just how small my jewelry is. And my table looked half-empty and stupid until I ran home, put my Etsy shop in vacation mode, and brought that inventory back with me. So... learn from my mistake. Have enough stuff to fill your table entirely, and then replenish when things sell.

A more recent setup.

Next, accept credit cards. To me, this is as basic as "wear sunscreen." I've found that transactions are larger if people know they can just stick it on their card. It varies from show to show, but around 40% of my customers do just that. I use Square, and once you get me going I won't shut up about it, so I'll just say that it's fast, easy, and the little machine is free. (Now get one.)

The final thing to do is just roll with it. Not every show is going to make you a zillion dollars. Sometimes only 30 people will walk through all day. Maybe the organizers are rude. I've had a couple of crappy events, because it's inevitable, but I console myself with the knowledge that I never have to do that show again--I mark it off as a learning experience and move on.

Do you have any craft show advice? Need tips on something specific? Anybody else doing a show this weekend?


  1. Thanks for these tips and good luck this weekend!! :)

  2. Great tip. I am starting my own store right now and this is the part I am having trouble with. How much inventory... I guess too much is better then not enough. I can always store the extras until I need to replenish I guess. Thanks for the advise!

  3. Awww, I wish I was going to be in town! Have a great show! And I couldn't agree more about having enough inventory. A full booth always look better, even at smaller events.


  4. Thanks for these quick tips! This post was a great pep talk for me as I have two shows looming and still need to make lots of stuff! Oh, and move! This week is CRAZY. Have fun at your craft fairs! Good luck!

  5. i agree with the tip on credit cards! when people are browsing my booth i always comment, "i do accept credit cards if you are interested" and this really makes people excited! i would have lost SO many sales if i didnt take CC's. i use square too and it is awesome, also people are always really impressed by it.



  6. Great tips. Your right you can never have enough inventory, and I love love love my square. Good luck at your show!
    Everyday Inspired

  7. My wave of shows are coming next month. I love Square too, but I can never remember which way the device should be facing in relation to how I swipe the card. Have to do it a few times before i get it right. As far as inventory goes, I always bring EVERYTHING :)

  8. Thanks for the tips! Have a GREAT show.

  9. Good luck with the show this weekend!!
    I'm totally in love with square! It's so amazing and I can't imagine doing a show without one

  10. Good luck! I did one craft show the end of October. I made a small profit, but when I think how many Etsy listings and renewals I could have had for the booth fee, I'm not sure it was worth it.

  11. Great tips! Good luck, and sell a ton!!!
    from Blogging Buddies

  12. Great tips! I always make sure to have largish price signs/tags so people can see the price without having to pick it up. Some people are hesitant to pick it up to look because they are afraid it is going to be too expensive and they will look cheap or they think if they pick it up you will descend on them and try to hard sell them. Also have a large sign saying "I accept cards" and also one that says "As seen on Etsy" with your web address. Good luck! Julia
