
Friday, December 16, 2011

It's My Birthday!

Well, I'm officially on the other side of 25.

Which means I'm closer to 30. Which is weird to think about because sometimes I still feel like I just turned 21.

Hubsey is working from home today and volunteered to take the car in for an oil change so I don't have to, and later tonight we're going to dinner. There's also a new purse heading my way, but I'll wait to tell you about that until I've taken some pictures. And, you know, unwrapped it.

As a present to myself, I'm going to be a generous boss and declare I only have to work half the day! But since I have a hard time NOT working when I'm home, we'll see what actually happens. I might have to take myself to the bookstore.

So a Happy Birthday to me and Happy Friday to you! Any big plans? Scrambling around for some last-minute shopping? Anybody else enjoying a birthday this time of year?


  1. Happy Birthday!! Wishing you a great day!!

  2. Happy Birthday Paige! The other side of 25 isn't so bad :)

  3. Happy Happy Birthday Paige! I hope you have a great day! Can't wait to see the purse!

  4. Happy Birthday to you!! Have a fabulous Day!


    I'm with you; I feel closer to 20 than I do to 30.

    I hope you have the best day EVER!

  6. Happy Birthday!!!!!

  7. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day! I celebrated mine earlier this month.

  8. Happy Birthday, dear Paige! Go ahead, give yourself a bookstore day!

  9. Oh my gosh, happy birthday Paige! I'm 25, and will be 26 next August. It's a little bit scary to think about 30, and I am totally with you - I feel more like 21. I guess that's why I feel it's really important to live it up now :)

    Have an amazing day! It's funny, I'm the same way, I'll try to give myself "time off", but I love working so much, it's hard to step away!

    Happy happy birthday! :)


  10. Happy birthday! i so relate to you feeling 21! Ah, but let's not start on this topic :) Have a fabulous 26!

  11. Happy Birthday!!!! I'm 26 too and I must say, it's an awesome year :) Have a great celebration today.

  12. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  13. Happy Birthday!! It's funny, but I've never felt my age - it's all in one's head - until aches & pains that accompany an aging body creeps up.
    Sometimes I feel younger than I ever have before - in my head!!

  14. Happy Birthday! Hope today has been amazing (:

  15. I am just on the other side of 30 and it only gets better! Happy Birthday!

  16. Happy Birthday to you too! Doesn't it feel a bit weird to be 26?? All I keep thinking is I'm only 3.5 years away from being 30! Enjoy your day.

  17. 1. Happy Birthday!!! 2. You have a damn good hubby (hello, Kate Spade!). 3. I wish I was turning 26 this year! Or even 30 again. :)


  18. Happy Birthday, as belated as it is now! Hope you had a great time!
