
Friday, February 10, 2012

Pinterest #16

Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? Hubsey's birthday is tomorrow (he'll be joining me in the Now We're Approaching 30 Club) and since I don't normally blog on Saturdays, I thought I'd put together a little Pinterest tribute for him today instead.

If he were a poster, he would be this one. Three of his favorite things are retro design, the color orange, and Chicago. Plus, orange and blue are Bears colors. Bonus!

Longtime readers will know that he randomly developed a love of shabby chic decor. We did track down a white end table for the living room around Christmas, but he's still campaigning for more...

Peanut butter pie? Or anything with peanut butter? Sign him up.

He read The Hunger Games a few months ago after I showed him the movie trailer and decided the story was too awesome for him to wait until March. Now he talks about "the tributes" in everyday conversation.

And finally, he's smart! His brain would be quite the tasty morsel during a zombie apocalypse (so hopefully that never happens).

So there's Hubsey in a nutshell. We're having our dinner date tonight, and tomorrow we're heading into the city for another celebration with his family. What are you up to? Anybody else celebrating this weekend?


  1. This is so fun! I'm going to have to think of my hubs in photo terms. Happy birthday to Hubsey! Have a fun time celebrating!!

  2. Fun post and tribute to your Birthday Hub!

    Hope he has a fun day!

    Stopping by from Blogging Buddies

  3. I hope that your husband has a great birthday! What a sweet tribute to him. Have a great couple dinners this weekend.

    Jake has tomorrow off, but we don't have any special plans for the day.

  4. fun fun fun. no big plans. supposed to get a little snow. if we do, i'll shovel and enjoy it, as we've had such little snow this year. maybe hit the farmer's market tomorrow. cook a nice dinner tomorrow night. laundry,etc. nothing earth shattering. HAVE A BLAST....celebrate life!

  5. Happy Birthday to Hubsey :) Great post...I bet he'll love it :)

  6. super fun post! Loving that you gave him a "tribute" on your blog. Sounds like a pretty diverse guy, haha! Can't wait to check out your pinterest board!

  7. Happy B-Day to your hubby! I had to go look at the hunger games trailer mid post because...OMG...I can't wait either!

  8. Fun print! Happy birthday to your hubby :)
