
Friday, March 9, 2012

Pinterest #18

We all know I love me some Pinterest. It's one of my all-time favorite sites, but since this article has been making the rounds, I've been a little more cautious. Out of the millions and millions of pins on there, it's unlikely that anybody will get up in arms about one of my 2,400, but I'm going to be more careful (read: paranoid) about where I get my pins anyway.

Haven't seen the article? Basically, Pinterest's TOUs say that if somebody gets angry at you for having one of their images on a board and decides to sue, you not only have to pay for your lawyer, but you also have to cover the legal fees for Pinterest.

So that's a bummer. I'm still pinning for now and hopefully that won't change, but I'll be keeping an ear out for more about this.

Anyway, let's look at some things I found on there, shall we? First of all, Martha has demonstrated her brilliance once again. Spray painted bricks as bookends:

Now THIS is how you do colorful cabinets. It makes the room interesting, but not eye-wateringly so:

How cute is this candle in a vintage tin? I see stuff like this at Anthropologie all the time for like, $18, but now I can just make my own:

I've tried to make that dish where you fry an egg inside a cut-out piece of toast (I know it has a real name... anybody?), but I always mess it up. This looks a little easier, and just as tasty:

I have some weird colors of leftover acrylic paint, and I think I'll use them to make some pretty chalkboards (maybe for craft shows?). An easy-peasy tutorial for doing just that:

What have you been pinning this week? Have you read that article too? What do you think about Pinterestgate? Are you sticking around or are you doing the big delete?


  1. I'm going to update my post about Pinterest- I'm not going to get rid of everything but I am going to check sources more closely and not pin someone's Flickr account, say. There is a pretty good follow-up article from that lawyer, too. Anyway, lovely kitchen! We should all be so lucky. :)

  2. Oooh, is there? I'll go check it out now.

  3. Love the eggs :) And I love that you can tint chalk board paint!

  4. I love the shelves, but not the spray painted brick. The kitchen is my favorite, so cheerful and clean.

    Blogging Buddies

  5. Definitely keeping my Pinterest account. If someone starts getting testy about pinning things with all of the thousands (maybe more) of people on Pinterest it is unlikely that the individuals will take the hit. Most likely one company would target another company on Pinterest who is using their photos for their own profit. That's just my little opinion for the day :-)

    1. You're probably right! I just don't like that they stuck that little notice in their TOUs. But maybe it's in there with companies in mind, anyway.

  6. I love the chalkboard idea! Jake likes that kind of eggs. He calls them dip eggs...obviously that's not the real name either. :)

    I'm not going anywhere on Pinterest. I am careful to only pin and re-pin images with the appropriate links to blog posts, Etsy listings, etc. I'll never pin something from a random Tumblr search or just a blog domain (not the actual post). I agree with Brooke that it's unlikely that individuals will take a hit from Pinterest. The site itself may at some point.

    1. I got so busy thinking about my Pinterest comments that I forgot my link:
      Link up your Friday Feature with me!

  7. Yea...I'm actually going through and deleting a bunch of mine and trying to email for permission on the ones I really love. I think the main point is making sure you are crediting the original owner of the image. It does suck though.

  8. Great picks! Yeah, I understand why they've said that because there have been some etsy sellers and others upset that people pin their work on boards like "crafts to make," and then it gets repinned over and over with little acknowledgement to the fact that the original work might be copyrighted, and it's also just not cool to copy someone else's work anyway. I do think, however, that pinterest is far better than tumblr, because at least on pinterest the original source remains with the image as it gets repinned. I've spent way too long in the past trying to chase down the original source on tumblr photos. It's just a mess on that site. I'm actually surprised pinterest has received so much backlash lately instead of tumblr. I am going to make sure I haven't pinned anything improperly though.

    1. Yeah, I wondered the same thing about Tumblr! I've never liked it, personally, and whenever I find a pin that's linked from there I get disappointed because they NEVER have the tutorial/recipe/whatever that goes along with the pretty picture. Annoying.

    2. I got totally confused about Pinterest terms of use and I haven't been around for a while. I also think that while I do understand the point of the crafter whose art/craft has been pinned as craft to make, come on, people, did you invent this craft? We all learn by imitating, we take from others, add from our own creativity and go ahead. Whether or not something has been pinned it will be remade by whoever is crafty enough.

      I am a more open person, in the sense that I share my photos and everything on my blog under Creative Commons. It is a great license that allow people to use my work, as long as they link back to me. This openness from my side provokes openness and honesty in everyone interested and I haven't had any problems. I wonder, how could I if I allow using my art, etc.

      So, the copyright thing is not for me. At least not in what I do.

      But, anyway, I would love if someone can explain in plain English what is and what isn't allowed on Pinterest.

  9. Ooh, I hadn't heard that about Pinterest! Yikes! I always want the credit go to the actual owner of the pin. I'll have to double check my pins, though!

    Beautiful finds. I love the spray painted bricks!

  10. I love pinterest but it can be a tricky thing! I'm pretty careful what I pin but still.
    LOVE those bookends!

  11. Love these picks! Supposedly Pinterest is re-working their terms of service so things are a little less, ahem, shady. We'll see.


  12. I really liked Pinterest but reading about their TOU has turned me off and I completely deleted my account. I'm sure nothing would actually happen but I certainly don't want to risk it.

  13. Theese are all so awesome! Especially the fried egg in a pepper! I love making the bread version but why haven't I tried it with peppers?!

  14. I'm quite new to Pinterst but from what I'm reading, I'm getting a little nervous.

    I love my eggs like that! We call them, "Eggs in a Frame."

  15. I LOVE that kitchen! And the "Anthropologie" candles. :)
