
Monday, May 14, 2012

Don't Rain On My Parade!

Well, as you might have guessed from the title, we had some rain the day of my show this weekend. I walked outside to load the car and saw this:

It rained while we drove, then stopped for about an hour (during which we set up--whew!), and then joined us again for most of the morning. I was afraid the day would be a bust, because even though it's a "rain or shine" show, that doesn't mean any customers will show up.

Thankfully, they did! There were some troopers who wandered around in panchos during the worst of it, but most people came later. I ended up having a pretty good sales day after all. It was a relief for the obvious reasons, but I also reworked my whole setup this time and it would've been a bummer if nobody saw it:

There's a lot more color, new items, and I divided the shops into two tables instead of trying to make them share like I did last year. Oh Nostalgia, the everyday wear line, takes up most of the space, and the smaller table is wedding samples from Little White Chapel. The dress form acts as a visual divider, too:

Most of the new products were on the Oh Nostalgia side and included these tiny flower earrings...

...and some colorful statement necklaces.

And for Little White Chapel I brought out some bestsellers, like sparkly hairpins and estate style rhinestone earrings.

Having the shops separated like this was one of those Duh moments I should've had a while ago. This time there was a clear distinction between two product lines in one tent, and if a bride stopped by, it was obvious which jewelry was directed at her and which for the group of 15 year olds wandering in next. (Last year I grouped things by item type with the styles mixed together. It was pretty, but this makes WAY more sense.)

Anyhoodle, that was my weekend. How was yours? Did the moms in the house have a nice day yesterday? Have you had any business-related epiphanies lately? Or survived a rainy morning next to a tent that almost blew away? (True story, they didn't stake it down.)


  1. Congrats on the sales at the show! Even though it rained, sounds like the turnout was good! Yay!

  2. Beautiful items and a lovely display! Stopping by from Blogging Buddies.

  3. I'm glad your show went well despite the rain!
    And your new set looks great and it does make sense to separate the two for shoppers. I have a separate display for my scrapbooks but scatter a few on my table space if I have room.

  4. Ooooo looks fabulous!! I love you display. I am still hard at work on items over here for the upcoming weekend show and I'm worried I won't get done ALL that I need to do!! Fingers crossed!

  5. So happy you had a good show and the rain wasn't bad enough to keep people away. Always afraid to enter outdoor shows because of that.

    The setup looked pretty :)

  6. Your setup is so pretty! So glad to hear it wasn't a bust and you had a good day. :)

  7. Looks COLD! But I'm glad you had success despite the weather! Your separation of shops was a brilliant idea, I think, nice job!

  8. Paige - I think you're booth looks fantastic, and congrats on the sales! It rained for both my outdoor fairs last year - fingers are crossed for next year. I also love that you separated your shops. This year I'm planning on having a separate spot to display options for custom bridal.

  9. I'm glad that the show went well despite the rain and that the new display worked nicely!

  10. Sorry it rained, but I glad to hear it all worked out and you had good sales. Your booth looks good and separating your shops was a great idea.
    Everyday Inspired

  11. Oh, this is so exciting! Especially your a ha! moment with separating by topic/shop. I am sure you had increased sales and I wish you many more!

  12. Agree with Sonya about the clever display compartmentation, and I'm glad the fair went well, rain and all. :)
    I like the idea of the metal tray with... brooches? on it!

  13. Glad things went well despite the rain. I love your new display- great idea to separate out the two lines!

  14. Apart from one sunny day (yesterday) it's been raining here forever. Love your display. The flower earrings are so cute!!

  15. I love the flower earings - they are darling! - and thank you for linking to my blog hop.
