
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

In the bag!

I was killing some time on YouTube yesterday, and I came across a bunch of videos where girls showcase their makeup collections. At first I was all, "Cool, I like makeup!" But then things took a turn for the weird. You know those plastic stacks of drawers that most people use for holding craft supplies? FULL of makeup. One girl had a drawer collection just for eyeshadow.


That's all I got. (Edit: forgot to toss in the lip balm I keep in my purse. My bad.)

After I saw these videos I got to thinking: you definitely don't need hundreds of products if you buy a handful of great ones instead. Even if you shell out for a couple of pricey items, you're still coming out ahead of the gals who hoard eyeshadow palettes. So today I have some of my faves to share, starting with the least expensive and working my way up.

If you're a frequent Target shopper, I bet you've seen this little guy:

ELF clarifying pressed powder. It's nice for days you don't need a lot of coverage, and if you apply it with a smaller brush, it makes a good eyeshadow. And it's only $1. (Holla!)

This is my newest discovery:

Gigantic packaging aside, it's great stuff. Because Organic Wear has more natural ingredients, the texture is a little different than regular mascara. It keeps my lashes softer, and I never have any of those bits that flake off toward the end of the day. Plus, it only set me back $9.99, which is about how much I expect to pay for the good stuff anyway.

This twofer is actually a $15 sample pack from the checkout line at Ulta:

It was pretty convenient because I couldn't decide if I wanted to try the Tarte blush, or skip right to bronzer since it was almost summer. It turns out: both are awesome. (If you're not familiar with Tarte, they make "high performance naturals" which means they don't use parabens, sulfates, etc. in any of their items.)

And finally, this has been a staple for about five years:

Bare Minerals provides as much coverage as you need and since it goes on dry with a brush, there are never any lines to worry about. And like the pressed power above, it also makes a super eyeshadow (noticing a pattern?). Unlike the pressed powder, it's $25, but I only need to replace mine every 10-12 months, so it's not a frequent purchase.

If I were a celebrity, I'd totally endorse all of these. Do you have a favorite makeup product? Tried anything new lately? Have you seen those crazy makeup videos, too? I just... wouldn't they rather fill up that space with cardigans or scarves?! I'm baffled.


  1. A whole draw thingie just for eye shadow? Wow. That's pretty extensive of a collection. I'm with you...just have the bare minimum. It's rare that I even put on mascara, but that organic kind sounds like it's worth a go!

    1. I know! I couldn't believe how much money they'd put into it, either, because it was pricy brands.

  2. My makeup collection is pretty boring...mascara and eyeliner complete my collection :)
    But I do like your suggestion for the organic mascara!

  3. Hi Paige,

    I'm sure those girls with drawers full of make up must be really young - they're probably still experimenting ;-)
    I have been wearing the same make up for years. Concealer, rose blush, brown eyebrow pencil, black liner, dark brown mascara and rose lipstick!

  4. I barely ever wear makeup, but my fave thing is lipgloss/lipstick. I like the sound of the organic makeup you have...Something to try!
    from Blogging Buddies

  5. Great post!

    I've learned that if I buy inexpensive makeup that doesn't cover and/or stay as well as more expensive makeup, I end up not using it and then it's just wasted money. Better to spend a little more for the makeup I like wearing and get my money's worth. Most days I just wear mascara and lip gloss, so I'm not spending a lot of money anyway :-)

  6. I thought my makeup collection was small. I can't leave the house without eyeliner and maybe lipstick. Some days I may do eye shadow but that's minimum.

  7. 9-year Bare Mineral fan here!!! (Yes, I do remember when I boughten first product from them). Best investment ever.

  8. I am totally with you. I have a little bag of make up, but I only wear blush daily and then maybe mascara or eyeliner.
    If I find that organic mascara I'm definitely getting it!

  9. I think a lot of those girls also just never throw anything out, like they've been amassing makeup palettes for years. And when you're younger it's fun to try lots of colors, but now I'm like you...I stick to a few essentials and that's it.

  10. I don't understand the makeup hoarding either, and I'm with you that I'd rather have clothes than a hundred eye shadows. Almost all of my makeup fits in a little bag.

  11. That's just crazy! How could you EVER wear all that stuff?! eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara--that's it. I'll have to check out the organic one.

  12. I use the natural mascara from cover girl that's beeswax based and I love it! same results, softer and not flaky. and it doesn't rub away towards the end of the day either. My other can't live without is clinique city block. it's a tinted moisturize and basically all I use as a foundation.

  13. I'll have to try that mascara out.. I use another organic kind that I'm not that fond of.

  14. I think if I did this I would be here for a long time as I have too much make up! lovely idea!
