
Monday, May 7, 2012

Office Art: Mission Complete

So, guess who finally finished the artwork for her office over the weekend?

It started when I was wandering around Paper Source looking for a birthday card, and came across this clearance desk calendar instead:

See that price? $4.63. Holla!

The timing was good because I was having a hard time finding something that worked with the other stuff I already had on the wall. I knew there would be enough in the pack to mix-and-match, so it was pretty foolproof. I picked four that coordinated...

... and then trimmed them down, and used rubber cement to glue them onto some mini canvasses I already had. (Rubber cement is my new favorite thing, NO bubbling of the paper at all. As far as glue goes, I think I might like it better than Mod Podge.)

It took less than 10 minutes to put them together, and I only waited another 10 minutes before I hung them up. I didn't bother putting hooks on the back of the canvasses, the wood frames were just fine.

I love them. Here's a funny secret about the arrangement, though: the green and gray print with the trees? It's taped up there. When I was putting the nails into the wall, I hit a stud and could NOT get the nail to go in correctly.  So I said screw it and got out some tape.

Have you made anything out of old calendars? Or discovered the joys of rubber cement? What'd you do this weekend? (I worked on a bunch of orders, got some inventory made for my next show, and enjoyed some delicious Mexican food with friends.) Happy Monday!


  1. Wow Paige, it looks wonderful - a job well done!

  2. Awesome!! Love repurposed items :)

  3. What a nice mix of styles! And great use of the mini-canvases, I may have to steal that idea. ;)

  4. that idea of adhering your new little calendar prints to a little canvas. and I LOVE all them with what was already on the makes me happy to see my boomerang print among them!

  5. I worked all weekend long! But, I also did work on some pictures as well as working on my collection for the fall.

  6. Ohhhh, love letterpress AND Paper Source! Double score. Please don't tell me you have a Paper Source near you??? They look great, and it's a fabulous idea!

  7. Those look awesome! And what a great idea!
    I love rubber cement glue!

  8. Oh man- rubber cement! We used to use it at school and I loved the smell (I'm weird like that). My friends and I used to spread a thin layer, let it dry and then rub it to create little balls of rubber- it gave us a kick for some reason. I really like your display- great use of colours and sizes!

  9. I love what you did. How can you go wrong with anything from Paper Source?

    A little while back I did a little wall art project for me and my friend using
    clearance-priced art books, but also suggested old calendars as an option too. I think it was a bit too early in the calendar year to get a good deal on a calendar then.

    PS - Don't forget I'm hosting an awesome giveaway starting TOMORROW, so be sure to come by and check it out!

  10. The new calendar art looks great! I have saved a handful of calendars over the years because I can't bear to get rid of the pictures, but honestly I've never done anything with them. Maybe this will inspire me!

  11. That's a fabulous idea! I love how you arranged
    them on the wall :)

  12. Good to know about rubber cement! I didn't know anything could be better than Modge Podge. ;) I have some framed B&W prints in my home that were originally calendar pages.

  13. It looks great!!! You did good.

    PS I love the Paper Source store. When the husband has to go to the 'ville to hit up the Apple Store, I always tag along for the sole purpose of going to Paper Source.

  14. They look lovely! I love it when you just run across something great like that that just works. I used to order art print calendars and then save them for my students when I was done. These days...not so much!

  15. Such a great idea! I always tend to throw away many old calendars when the year ends. This might be a great way to utilize some old crap.


  16. Awesome score with the calendar! It looks great all put together!

  17. what a great idea....and thanks about the rubber glue idea. i haven't used that since i was in middle school and that was a VERY long time ago :)

  18. The art wall looks great and I love the way you used the calendar.

  19. I love this!! What a great idea!
