
Monday, July 9, 2012

Shop Update

First of all, that monster heat wave FINALLY gave us a break this weekend. It was 79 degrees on Friday night! That's jeans weather! Well, not so much for being outside, but for an air-conditioned restaurant they were delightful. It's only supposed to be in the mid-80s this week, and I don't think I've ever been so excited for weather like that. I'm not cut out for heat.

Anyhoodle, since I was trapped inside for two weeks, I used my extra time to get ahead on some new designs. These blue earrings were based on a custom bridal order I made last month:

This rhinestone necklace is a bit of a departure from what I usually make for LWC, but I dig it:

And I'm trying to do more bracelets. I don't wear very many of them myself, so I typically don't get inspired to make any new ones (except for this one, obvi):

Meanwhile, over at Oh Nostalgia, there are some new Art Deco inspired earrings:

And a long necklace made from the sparkliest rhinestone you ever did see. Also, it's gigantic:

I'll have even more items up by the end of the week. I don't have another show until September, so now's the time to crank things out while I can.

What were you up to this weekend? Anybody else making some new pretties? Or thanking the powers that be for that sweet, sweet air that made its way down from Canada?


  1. Those art deco inspired earrings are gorgeous-- the colors are right down my alley!

    We ended up finally painting our bedroom this weekend and I worked on a couple big orders I needed to finish. This morning we finally got a cool down along with rain. I'm loving every second of it!

  2. I am a fan of earrings...but the necklace looks very cool too.

    I have been knitting. Posted a new hat today and have finished a couple more.

  3. I agree with Heidi- love the art deco earrings! It's finally cooling down here too. My project lately has been to clear up all the little projects and organize the work room. It's coming along!

  4. Love the new pretties! :) I made a couple of stuff but I spent the weekend restocking B&M stores actually. Sounds like it was a productive weekend for both of us.

  5. Ooh, I'm loving those art deco earrings! Actually I wouldn't mind hotter weather over here. We've only had a handful of sunny days so far and it looks like another storm is on its way...
    My wrists are too skinny for bracelets, unfortunately.

  6. I am drooling over the necklace with the trio of rhinestones! So modern and old-fashioned all at once.

  7. Look at you making such awesome beautiful things! The bracelet & art deco earrings are my fav!

  8. I'm working on a custom necklace for my best friend. I'll post pictures when I'm done.

  9. LOVE the art deco earrings at Oh, Nostalgia! It's all beautiful. I am pretty relieved that the excessive heat is gone too, although I'd take that over winter any day.

  10. Your new pieces are lovely! Love the rhinestone necklace, looks like it would be a lot of fun to wear. I am so glad we are getting a break from the heat, it has been pretty brutal this summer.
    Everyday Inspired

  11. Thanks, everybody! :-) I'm glad you guys like them.

  12. The the art deco earrings! Good luck with your new items!

  13. Your new designs are beautiful! I love the pop of color. After the open house this coming weekend, I won't have any shows until October so I'm definitely doing some stocking up this time of year.

  14. those blue earrings are stunning!

  15. I'm not cut out for the heat either. It was still very hot here all weekend. We were out walking around yesterday to see some houses (none worth going for, unfortunately) and while waiting for the bus, I was just so hot I really thought I was going to pass out or throw up or something. But moments later, a cab drove by and my bf flagged it down and I've never been so happy/relieved in my life. Well, I probably have, but it was still pretty sweet. This week is supposed to be a bit cooler, like upper 80s. So yay? I won't really celebrate until it's in the 70s. I think I'm destined to live in San Francisco where they have really mild temps year-round. :)

  16. Things have finally cooled off here as if we could juts get some rain!
    Great new both of the rhinestone necklaces!

  17. So, so pretty! I love them all.
