
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Almost Spring Wardrobe

Let me tell you how charming the weather has been: It was 53 on Monday, then we got 25 degrees and a dusting of snow last night, and it's supposed to bounce back to 50 on Friday.

I don't even know. Obviously I'm not going to complain about 50 degrees after the polar vortex assaulted us for two months, but the back and forth is almost worse. It's dangling the carrot. NO. It's like somebody invited you over to eat Girl Scout cookies, but when you show up they only have the shortbread. Not cool.

Aside from getting our hopes crushed with more snow, another problem caused by the wonkus forecast is getting dressed. It's not consistently warm yet, but we're all ready for something different. I did some pondering (while eating Thin Mints, actually) and rounded up a handful of transition items that can tide us over until we get to actual spring weather.

denim jacket  //  scarf  //  tote bag  //  rain boots  //  nail polish  //  blazer

>> Denim jacket. Versatile? Check. A good compromise between a winter coat and a windbreaker? Check. Easy to bedazzle if that strikes your fancy? Check.

>> Lightweight scarf. Maybe this is just a problem specific to me, but whenever I wear my hair up to run errands it seems like those are breeziest days--which makes me chilly if I'm not wearing something around my neck. The lesson is clearly to wear my hair down everyday (nope) or get my scarf on.

>> Big ol' tote bag. It's not a bad idea to have a place to stash your extra layers in case there's a sudden heat wave. This theory works the other direction, too, but let's not consider that terrible possibility.

>> Rain boots. This is a hole in my wardrobe that I noticed the other day when all of the old snow was melting. Not everybody is going through a big thaw, but since spring is also very rainy, having waterproof shoes is a good call.

>> Bright nail polish. Who doesn't want a happy color on their nails right now?

>> Colorful blazer. This is not a normal recommendation for me (neutral = most versatile, yadda, yadda), but this winter was so horrible that even I want to wear something fun. Mint blazer? Please and thank you.

Are you starting to wear your spring clothes? Have you bought anything new? (I got some mint green flats!) What's your favorite item here?


  1. I didn't wear a coat yesterday, and I wore flats without socks! That's about the best we've got right now. Yesterday was 55 today will be 40 or so with rain before it plummets to 20 with snow and ice later tonight. Fun.

    I love the bright nail polish color- that's the best way for me to add color to my wardrobe (seriously) but I'm totally into scarves for spring and I'm looking forward to taking more advantage of my blazer this year.

    1. That's how I dressed on Monday! Flats and no jacket. It was excellent.

  2. I'd love a lightweight scarf like that, I only have my chunky knits at the moment so I'm on the lookout for a nice thin one to transition into the spring weather. :)

  3. If I ever wore rain boots (not enough rain here to justify them!) I'd definitely opt for those!! Such a fun color you'd forget it was raining!
    I'm with you on the shortbread -- give me Samoas anytime! Oh, and I have some Thin Mints in my fridge right now!!

    1. We have some in the freezer! If we leave them out with the rest of the snacky food, they disappear in about a day.

  4. Those rainboots are so cute! :)

  5. I truly wish Spring would hurry up in your part of the world!
    I love that floral scarf, and yes I wear scarves here a lot as it's quite chilly in the mornings and I wear my hair up for work :)

  6. I am -not- looking forward to moving back to the Mainland at some point! Not at all. I did buy some new spring shirts the other day - they have fun colors like the scarf's. I like the boots. They're definitely an important winter/spring accessory around here!

  7. That floral scarf looks perfect for spring. Now I want to have thin mints too!

  8. We were not fortunate enough to get to 50 the other day and now experiencing a blizzard in the Northeast, so no Spring here yet. I have bought new things but with long sleeves in colors I can still wear now. I can't wait to be able to wear my new knee high British tan leather boots.....not willing to ruin them in the snow!

  9. ha ha! love your take!
    The weather here has been crazy throughout the Winter. Yesterday was in the low 70s; today now it's 37. There were snow flurries earlier.
    I want flowers!! and green!

  10. We've had the same temperature swings here lately. It's very hard to know what to wear. I did just buy a pair of rain boots so I can get out and take pictures even with all of the puddles that we're sure to have for many more weeks. The pair that you featured here is really adorable.

  11. I'm still sporting my winter duds. Hard to pick a favorite -- love all your picks. But I'd probably have to say the scarf. (I'd also love to have that jacket and giant tote --- and I'm probably too old to sport those rain boots, but aren't they fun?!!)

    1. What! Nobody is ever too old for turquoise rain boots.

  12. Oh my gosh...I love those boots! And with everything thawing out (finally!) I may need something like this soon.

  13. 'And only having the shortbread'... bahaha!!! Exactly. I'm over it. I get really angry when I've transitioned to my denim jacket and then it turns 20 degrees again. Usually I am stubborn and just roll with the jacket... and freeze in the process.

  14. I love that blazer. I might have to go back on my blazer rule so I can wear that one.

  15. I love that you are using rain boots in this! I sent you a tweet, I have some blue rubber boots, that I usually just wear over my jeans, but I know there's got to be a way I can make it look more cute. Maybe I need to get some skinny jeans and go from there!
