
Friday, May 30, 2014

Pinterest Picks

Happy Friday! It was a short work week for a lot of us, but I actually found that I got more done knowing that I had one less day to jam it all in. Which doesn't make ANY sense given how high-strung I normally am, but I liked the blast of productivity so I'm not going to worry about it. Maybe we should all write to our Congressmen to make three-day weekends the normal thing? Surely we'd all be less stressed out if we had another day for work-life balance. (Americans in general don't get enough time off, but THAT'S another conversation for another day.)

Anyway! Let's celebrate crossing off everything on our to do list with some Pinterest Picks.

First of all, this whole gallery wall is great. The combination of art and objects is really interesting, but the main dish here is the "happily ever after" canvas. I love that script fonts are Having A Moment right now, and I've spent some time wistfully looking at stuff like this and wanting it in my own house. This tutorial involves a projector, which I don't have, but now I'm wondering if I should change that...


Maple doughnuts are good anyway, but imagine adding BACON:


This dress is adorable. And I appreciate that they styled the model with a top knot and sunglasses, since that's how I wrangle the ol' lion's mane when it gets too hot to leave it down. I also just noticed the subtle leopard print on the belt and am a fan.


How do you feel about a colorful sofa? Not just hypothetically in a room like this one, but for real life in your own house? I can't get turquoise sofas out of my head! It's white kitchens all over again! (Tangent: does that painting look like Kelly Osborne to anybody else?)


These big chalkboard letters are a fun idea for a party favor, if you're in need of something. Or maybe a teacher gift?


So what are you up to this weekend? We have a combination of house projects and a family gathering, and I had a sudden realization the other day that my nice black heels are kind of ratty looking, so maybe I can slay that particular dragon without too much irritation? Fingers crossed! See you on Monday!


  1. High five! I love the couch- the linen/tweed of the fabric makes it looks so classic, especially with Kelly watching over. There's a place in Portland, OR called Voodoo Donut (according to the Travel Channel) that pioneered the maple bacon donut. They actually have a whole strip right in it. Yum.

  2. Kristen mentioned Voodoo Donut, and I know exactly what she's talking about! They're fantastic. They even have one store in Denver, I believe. ... Great, now I'm hungry for donuts. :) I'd love to go out and pick up a few and kick back on a nice, colorful couch. Personally, though, I love red. I know it's a bold color, but it's one of my favorites. Have a good weekend!

  3. Love the white dress with the belt (yay for animal print!) and the jewelry and sunnies are right up my alley too.

  4. I love that key display in the first pick. You normally see this with vintage keys, but I love that you can tell these are actual keys from their life. Think: first house, first car, etc.
    And I love Dawn's idea for a red couch!

    1. I love that idea, too! Now I wish we had been better about hanging onto our old keys. Whoops!

  5. I love those initial chalkboard favours! Cute idea! The topknot is my preferred hairstyle while working, then in the evening I can just undo it and have wavy hair without using a curling iron :)

  6. Ooooh I want that couch! How gorgeous is that color? I'll be dreaming of it. This weekend is just working and hopefully a good day at the market I'll be selling at this Sunday. It's gonna be gorgeous weather so hoping for good foot traffic!

  7. LOVE the blue couch - so chic! And the framed keys in the first pic are such a great idea.

  8. How cute are those party favors? I hope you have a great weekend! My husband is insane and decided TODAY that he's running a half marathon on Sunday, so there's that craziness happening around here. xo

    1. Whaaaaaat?! I know he's a runner, but YOWZA. I hope his legs don't fall off!

  9. The "happily ever after" canvas is fabulous, and I love the maple and bacon combination. It's just like breakfast!

  10. Great finds. Love that cute little dress -- and the blue couch all dressed up! Good luck with your shoe shopping. I had a really good craft fair experience on Saturday and I'm hoping to head outside a bit today before hunkering in to sew.
