
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

DIY: Our Boring Bathroom

I've shown you many pictures of Casa Ronchetti, but you've never seen the bathroom. Brace yourself for the excitement!

See those burned out light bulbs? They break if you try to change them.

It's also REALLY hard to photograph, thanks to being only 5 feet wide and having an awesome half-wall that exists solely to hold the medicine cabinet.

It doesn't need a complete overhaul, but Hubsey and I are using the upcoming holiday weekend to give the W.C. a little makeover. We were just going to change out the hideous light fixture above the sink, but then we got to thinking about the whole space. The mirror is waaaaay too big, the vanity feels freakishly low to us (we're not THAT tall), and there are a bunch of weird towel-hanging nubbins sprinkled around the room that we never use.

I found some great ideas on Pinterest, so now we just have to narrow them down:

Oh man, I NEED to work in some rulers.

Um, yeah. Not exactly "of a theme" is it? We'll have to work on that.

Have you ever done any updating in your bathroom? Any tips for replacing a vanity? Or a giant mirror, that would probably be hard to clean up if we drop it? Anything we should avoid?


  1. Ok, I LOVE that second vanity with all the drawers. Totally library-style, which would go with your rulers. I wish you good luck and lots of patience. You know we are working on our bathroom right now (our second) and it's STILL in the gutted stage (though we're about to make some headway here soon, I swear). When you replace your vanity make sure any drawers that come in it aren't going to run into the plumbing. We had that issue when we did the upstairs bathroom, going from a door-only cabinet to one with drawers. It's always something. P.S. Do you have one of those suction-cup things to get the halogen bulbs out?

  2. I kinda like your bathroom now. I love the tile and the soft green wall color works really well with the tile color.
    I like the first bathroom inspiration photo...I love the clean lines of the whole design. The ruler piece is soooo cute!
    I just moved into my new house so I don't have any experience in renovating!

  3. Thanks, Jenna! The wall color is staying the same, but we just need to do something about the mirror party happening around the sink. And that light fixture. *shudder*

  4. I'm very excited to see what you come up with!
    Dwellinggawker has some good bathroom inspiration as well.

  5. Fun starting points :) I hope your project goes well for you!

  6. I was looking at bathroom ideas as well today - we have our eye on a fixer-upper (more like face lifter) older historic home and I was trying to wrap my head around everything that would need to be done by finding inspiration photos. I like the ruler idea - would be a fun ode to the old owner as we found out he was an architect (owned the house for 50 years!) Do you need the storage of the vanity? I'm thinking about pedestal sinks because it would open up much of the small bathrooms.

  7. Word to the wise (from one who's been through several bathroom remodels), that mirror is probably cemented to the wall. If you take it down, you'll probably have to re-sheetrock the wall, in which case you might as well gut the whole bathroom and start from scratch. And that would take waaaay longer than Labor Day Weekend.

    In my humble opinion, it'd be easier to change the color of the walls if you want a new look.

  8. Yay DIY! Good luck this weekend! Give yourself plenty of....patience :) xox!

  9. Blueweeezl, yeah, I'm thinking the mirror will probably have to stay. I just got back from the hardware store and I heard a bunch of horror stories about people ruining their walls. But other changes are in the works. Yay!

  10. Our bathroom is pretty boring too. We bought everything to redo it over a year ago and still haven't done it! We only have one bathroom and we're wanting to do a complete overhaul.
    Can't wait to see your after pics :)

  11. how exciting - usually a coat of new paint does wonders but mine needs a makeover too...cant wait to see the after shots!
