
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pinterest #5

Taking a break from all the bathroom chatter with the Hubs, I realized that I'm even more of a creature of habit than I thought.

I've always been into narrow silhouettes (because they disguise the fact that I have the waist of a 12-year-old boy--which is to say I don't), but I didn't notice just how many wiggle dresses I had Pinned until today.

And only one of them is a color! I guess old, neutral-wearing habits die hard.

What have you been excessively Pinning? Anybody else drawn to the same kind of dress over and over? Maybe you  have a thing for frame walls? Or maps?


  1. These dresses are awesome, all of them. I'm sure I pin the same things over and over. We all have an innate style, shapes and colors we're drawn to. I have to exercise restraint not to pin every cute thing I see. :)

  2. I LOVE dress #5!
    I've finally figured out Pinterest and have been excessively pinning home decor ideas!

  3. I agree with Meg- I love that fifth dress. I know I pin similar things all the time, especially home-type things.

  4. Ah, I don't pin! No, no, no, I keep away from pinning because I am afraid it will grow into a mania but so many wonderful dresses indeed.

  5. Haha... great dresses. :) :) I wish I could pull off that silhouette but I think I'm *too* curvy. Lately, I swear all I've been pinning is recipes. I've been on a cooking kick. :p

  6. I like #5 a lot, too (obviously, because I Pinned it...).

    Sonya, you should definitely give Pinterest a shot! It's a bit obsessive, but it's also a great place to find inspiration.

  7. I love those dresses. They are all awesome.

  8. At my age, I'm looking for waddle dresses, not wiggle dresses -- but your Pins are amazing!

  9. Paige, drat you for getting me hooked on Pinterest! It's a huge time-suck, but I love it!
