
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jewelry Matching

Hubsey and I took a break from our bathroom facelift (details on that tomorrow) and did a little Labor Day shopping. I picked up a dress and some earrings:

I commented that the pink and green would look good together, and Hubsey looked all confused and said, "But... they don't match."

Now, I don't expect Hubsey to know a lot about jewelry (aside from the fact that I make it for a living), but I did think it was weird that he was expecting matchy-matchy from me. So that got me thinking. My mom matches her jewelry to her outfits. My aunt does it, too. A co-worker who's the same age as me matches her jewelry to her other jewelry, as does my BFF.

I don't do any of that. I mix metals, use jewelry as a pop of color, and make it a point to never wear more than one item from a set at a time.

Am I the weird one? Do you match your jewelry to your clothes? Are you a bigger fan of coordinating colors? Do you buy jewelry sets and wear them all at once?


  1. Nope. You aren't weird...but if you are...I am too. I had a gf ask why I was wearing a pair of earrings with the outfit I had on because it didn't "match"...I said it doesn't have to match but I think it "goes" plus I wear what makes me happy which for the most part isn't "matchy matchy". Heck I'm wearing gold earrings with a purple and yellow zebra striped top! Cute earrings by the way!

  2. No, no, you're not weird. I hate matchy-matchy. It was trendy in the 1950s I'm sure, but pick up any fashion mag and you'll see no one does that now.

  3. i don't match anything with anything! i actually kinda hate it when people are to matchy. red earrings, red top & red purse? no thank you!



  4. Okay, that's what I thought. I know fashion magazines like mixing, but I wasn't sure how many "real" people did it.

    Whenever I see matchy-matchy, I think of the Queen of England (who seems lovely, but she's not exactly a style icon).

  5. I don't like matchy-matchy either. It's way more fun to mix it all up.

    I think you color combination is lovely.

    Everyday Inspired

  6. Ok, I cannot wait to see what's going on in the bathroom.

    As far as the jewelry goes, I don't think it's weird to wear different colors, though I don't think I generally tend to do it myself. I've said before that I need some serious accessorizing lessons. I had a coworker who used to do awesome things with jewelry, and I always envied her. However, I HATE matchy-matchy clothes.

  7. I'm not really a matchy matchy person either. I do think it's a generational thing though. In my mom's day, women matched their handbag to their shoes, their lipstick color to their nail polish color, etc. Now, it's really become anything goes in style, accessories especially. But some people are a little afraid to wear something they think might "clash" like mixed metals. I think it looks great to see someone mix up styles and colors well!

  8. Well, yes, I match! I even still match my purse to my shoes... although it has long been out of fashion but old habits die hard! I don't mix precious metals in jewelry as well. I only wear gold, or silver, cannot bring myself to have them simultaneously but as far as other media are concerned, I like to mix my felted bracelets with wooden, that's as far as I can go :)

  9. No, you're awesome! I almost never do matchy-matchy.

    Today I am wearing a bright green skirt with a bright pink top and a gold and green necklace. So I guess my greens are matching, but my skirt has black embroidery and I'm wearing brown shoes.

  10. I definitely don't match. Love to mix metals, textures, etc. I always feel awkward if I am too matchy-match. You are totally not weird.

  11. I think that jewelry should accent an outfit, not blend with it. If it happens to be the same color, all right—how many times have I worn black jewelry with black clothes? Wait, I have the answer for you: several. Personally, I choose jewelry that highlights something in my outfit, whether the color, texture, or cut. Frankly, I think those earrings would look fantastic with green!

  12. you have the artist's eye and know what your doing, so why play it safe ;)
    not weird, you stand out... like your accessories♥
