
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

DIY: Nipping Murphy's Law In The Bud

Speaking as somebody who has never done any "real" home renovating, I will say this: it was WAY harder than I expected. And more time-consuming.

Our plans took a detour almost immediately. After it took us two hours to change the light fixture (the old one was installed incorrectly and didn't want to come off the ceiling), we decided to manage our expectations. "Ya know what?" I said, "Maybe giant mirror removal is more than we can handle." Hubsey, who imagined us getting glass shards in our eyes anyway, was like, "Yeah, let's wait."

So we did small stuff. Changed the light fixture (which I loooooove), installed a new towel bar and TP holder, took down the glass shelf and weird robe-hanging nubbins, hung some new artwork, and found better accessories.

It wasn't the major overhaul we planned, but I still think little changes make a difference:

I love you, light fixture. You might have been heavy and cumbersome to install, but now that you're in place and looking so pretty, I think you're super.

A new towel bar isn't super exciting, but at least this one is properly attached to the wall. The TP holder matches (and is also firmly in place).

Well, okay, this view is pretty much the same. But now we have real accessories, like real adults! No more plastic soap bottle!

The toilet isn't centered on that wall and I felt like having a group of differently-sized art would make it less noticeable. Taking down the shelf helped, too, because it WAS centered on the wall and just made things look wonky.

We set an original budget of $250, but since we only did half the work, we only spent half the money:

light fixture: $50
towel bar: $19
toilet paper holder: $17 (not pictured, it was the very last thing we did)
soap dispenser: $13
bath mat: $9
toothbrush holder: $8
paint: $4
spackle: $3.50
sand paper: $3
art: free (already had them)
candles: free (already had them)

Total: $126.50

Glass half full, right? We still have plans to take the mirror down eventually (which will require moving the vanity, since several inches of mirror are behind the backsplash and the sink is glued to the cabinet, and don't forget that the mirror is glued to the wall!), but it will be with a little help. Hubsey has a couple of handy family members who live nearby, and we need somebody who knows what they're doing.

Ever had a house-y project not turn out the way you expected? I'm sure you have. Did you like it anyway? Have you also experienced the transformative power of a new light fixture?


  1. We have had something go wrong every single time, and it's always way more time-consuming than we think it will be. We've often had to make changes and adjustments, but it always turns out looking good and we're happy with the results. I think anything new is an improvement to your eyes.

    The bathroom looks great! It's a lot brighter, and the new light fixture is gorgeous! Good work in such a little amount of time (and money)!

  2. I think the first rule on HGTV is: avoid glass shards! Really great post...I think you made some excellent choices!

  3. Thanks, ladies!

    Kristin, it's SO bright in there now. Going from one lightbulb over the vanity to five is like stepping into an interrogation room. But in a good way.

  4. Well my other half installed a ceiling fan. That didn't turn out well since it's as loud as it can probably get. We painted an accent wall in my studio over the labor day weekend and I managed to drip paint all over the carpet (smooth move!) and we ran out of paint! Plus I spray painted a storage trunk and ran out of spray paint half way through! I guess home improvement never goes off without a hitch.
    I love your light fixture!
    Where did you get your bathroom accessories at? (the soap dispenser and toothbrush holder)
    PS - I wouldn've have even noticed the off center toilet! It's looking really good!

  5. I meant I wouldn't have even noticed...not I wouldn've!

  6. Great job! Have you considered having the mirror framed? There is a company here that does it VERY inexpensively, and it makes a HUGE difference. You might even be able to DIY it...

  7. Looks amazing! I love that light fixture.

  8. Yay!! I'm so excited to see the results, Paige!
    The little touches you guys went for really made a difference.
    The ceiling fixture is beautiful, and now you have so much more light!
    Your idea of concealing the off-center toilet with a cluster of frames was great —awesomely done!

    \o/ \o/ \o/
    (that's a little cheering crowd)

  9. looks like a lot (a LOT) of work, but it paid off, because your house looks fabulous!!


  10. love it. love the new light fixture! and being the OCD person that i am, i love that you offset the un-centered toilet with the artwork. it works perfectly!

  11. You're totally right about the off-center art grouping changing the appearance of the toilet. When I glanced down the photos, for a second I thought the toilet moved! Great job on everything. Sometimes little changes are all that's needed to make a big difference! And you did a great job on the budget too. xo, Mary

  12. All your changes look great, and your bathroom looks bright and fresh. Even small changes make a big difference.
    Everyday Inspired

  13. That is a HUGE change! So modern and chic! You did good :).


  14. I love how a light fixture can totally transform a room. I am doing an entire house reno right now and that is one of my favorite changes to make... cheap with a big impact! I have a similar set up in one bath and I am thinking about framing the mirror with some leftover chunky trim:) Thought it would be a fun touch.

  15. such a difference! love the changes you made to your bathroom. good call on the artwork above the toilet. you can't even tell it's off centered now!
