
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ma, Look What I Got: Victory!



I looked in so many stores. I debated paying $150. And then I stopped at Target on the way home from work to buy toilet paper, and I thought I'd take a spin through the shoe department. Just in case.

They were almost sold out, but there happened to be one pair of 7 1/2 left. And they were only $35. Now, I've been the victim of Good Deal Fever before--in which you are blinded by an excellent price tag and end up buying something mediocre--so I took them home and mulled them over. (I realize most people would've left them at the store, but they were the LAST PAIR. I couldn't take any chances.)

Obviously, I've decided they're keepers.

What's been the fashion thorn in your side this year? Anybody else have trouble finding boots? Have you stumbled upon a great item when you least expected it?


  1. Success! I love finding a mega-bargain like that, and it's actually something you want and/or need. Those will go with so many things!

  2. Looove those boots! You sound like me though... taking them home and thinking and thinking about whether to keep them. I do that all the time. :P I haven't found any AMAZING boots yet this year. I've kind of been slacking in the shopping department. :(

  3. great find! my favorite time to buy boots is around February & March because it is still cold enough to wear boots but they are always on super sale! it is hard to wait that long though to buy boots!


  4. I like your Blog, pics and style! I'm following! I hope your visit! Have a wonderful Day!


  5. Those are really cute! Because I have thicker calves, finding a decent pair of boots is even more challenging. I actually find that Bare Traps are pretty wide calf friendly. I'm looking to score my 3rd pair of theirs for the winter.

  6. Brittany, it would've been great to wait for a sale, but my old brown boots have a cracked left sole. I can't wear them if there's ANY kind of moisture on the ground, or my sock gets wet. Womp, womp!

  7. Those are perfect! I love those way better than the military-style ones.
    And what a great bargain!

  8. I love these! I gotta stop at my target, see what boots they have!

  9. Cute boots! I just bought these grey boots from Zappos and they are so beautiful, I just want to wear them every day. But it's still 90 degrees here in North Carolina. =) Soon, very soon!
