
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

On the Cheap: Cardi Parti

I can't believe I've gone this long without talking about cardigans! I know summer is just barely winding down, but it's 10 degrees cooler today, and will be 10 degrees cooler than THAT tomorrow, so it's practically sweater weather.

For your viewing pleasure:

This outfit is exactly how I dressed in college. Part of me wishes I could go back to that wardrobe, but a larger part of me is increasingly convinced that I need to give up shopping at Forever 21. After I buy this sweater, of course. $17.80.

Hubsey reads my blog, so at some point today I know he's going to be all, "Don't you already have a long tan sweater?" And I'll say, "Yeah, but it's not argyle! Duh." $69.50.

Sadly, this one might not work on me because of my plague victim skin tone, but a girl can dream. $44.99.

Have you been eyeballing cardigans yet? I bought two short-sleeved ones over the summer, that's how much I can't say no. And yet I'm totally fine with that.


  1. There is nothing like a good cardigan. Enough said. (Oh- I love the argyle one.)

  2. I LOVE cardigans! I have so many of them that one of my students used to make fun of me for always wearing them! I feel like cardigans are such a teacher cliche for some reason! haha!

  3. it is cardigan time! i love them, I have quite a few :) i enjoy all your picks!



  4. I love cardigans! I am so glad it's sweater weather again.
    Everyday Inspired

  5. I love cardigans too! Last winter I knitted one for myself and then received two more as gifts... Ah, I have to start simplifying my wardrobe...

  6. Cardigans are great because they go with almost everything! I always keep one with me.
