
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ask And Ye Shall Receive

A couple of smart people commented yesterday that I should post the haircuts I'm considering. To be honest, I hadn't thought about anything specific when I wrote that post (I'd only gotten as far as, "I'm tired of leaning back on my hair!"), but now I've got a few things in mind thanks to Pinterest:

Option #1: The Natural

I think this one is my favorite. Ignore the bangs, though. No more short bangs for this girl, not when they're finally to my chin and easily ponytail-able. My hair is naturally this texture, so perhaps some layers like these will make my life easier.

Option #2: My Imaginary Best Friend Kate Middleton

This is pretty much what I have, except it never looks this awesome. If I were to do The Kate, I'd just get a trim and dye it a few shades darker.

Option #3: Chopped

Hubsey is campaigning hard for shoulder-length hair. I think he's mostly tired of my Rapunzel locks clogging the bathroom drains, but that will happen no matter what. I'm not sure I want to commit to something this drastic, though it would be nice to save some time in the morning.

Decisions, decisions.  As a reminder, here's how the coif looks now:

Your thoughts? There is the hypothetical fourth option of getting hair extensions and rocking some Victoria's Secret model hair, but something tells me that would just add MORE time to my morning routine, and that defeats the purpose.

Thanks in advance.


  1. I really like the shorter hair, but I'm like you- not sure I could do something that drastic. The first look is really fun though and I think you could have a lot of options with it. By the way, I thought Kate was MY imaginary best friend. I feel betrayed! :)

  2. I'm 100% with your hubsey on this vote! It's SO sassy and fun...I think you'd love it if you could commit to it! It would be a great cut/length for your face shape. But you know all of them would look great!

  3. I like the first one, I think the layers will look good. But the shoulder length is pretty close too:):)

  4. The 1st and 3rd are very similar (bangs and length aside.)
    I prefer the third, though.

  5. I actually like them all! At the point your hair is, I would be pining for the chop- that one is really cute. But then about a week later, I would be wishing for the Middleton. So maybe the first option is the best- something similar but with some new styling. Or, you could just hire your own hair stylist to do your hair for you every morning and so you can look great like Kate.

  6. you know you are popular when your readers want to know what you are even considering...!

    I am glad to see the portman / spears "shave it all off" option was not included

  7. Hair extensions sound great, I am very much into diva hair but it's just me :). Lovely blog, congrats...

  8. i say some layers and natural. it will make your life easier. you sure about the bangs? might be a nice change and you can always grow them out. might feel like a bigger 'change' if you go that route.

    LOL mitch!

  9. I love the shoulder length look! But photo 1 would be great too.
    Maybe start with a trim and go more drastic in a few months?

  10. I vote for number 1. The short is super cute too but it sounds like you aren't that excited about short so I say 1.

  11. I like the first one or the shorter one. Whatever you decide I am sure it will look great.
    Everyday Inspired

  12. I think wavy is the hip right now. I would go with the natural!

  13. I vote for cut No. 1! I think Kate has more hair than you do (no offense) and I don't like the shoulder length one for you. You could have long bangs like the first girl does, or not, plus you won't have to fight the natural wave as you would with the Kate. She probably has people to do her hair for her. How interesting that you and Sarah have the same imaginary best friend. Mine is Pippa, so I won't have to kill you both. Phew.
