
Monday, October 10, 2011

Miscellaneous: Weekenders

It was crazy warm this weekend in Chicago. Normally this time of year I'm prancing around in boots and sweaters, babbling about going on a hayride and finding a new gourd, but yesterday I was marveling about this:

Leaves all over the ground, and I wore sandals. You'll notice that Hubsey did not, and guess who complained about being too warm the entire time we were on our walk? The thermometer in the car bounced between 83 and 85, so I feel like I made the right footwear choice.

Thankfully, it's supposed to be back in the 50s and 60s by the end of the week.

In other news, I was the lucky winner of a free printable from Bates Mercantile Co. (courtesy of Kristen), which I framed this weekend after I got tired of being outside:

I had forgotten how expensive picture mats are, especially in comparison to the cheap-o IKEA frame I had laying around, so I used scrapbook paper instead. It's photographing a tad yellow, but in real life it's a nice cream color.  I'm not sure about a permanent home yet, but for now it's sitting pretty on my nightstand.

How was your weekend? Any weird weather in other parts of the country?


  1. It was beautiful here in Pittsburgh too! I even got to wear shorts! (Though I did wear a long sleeve top so I wouldn't get too cool.) Love that print you won too.

  2. Great to have an extra day to enjoy these beautiful autumn days before winter sets in.
    Love the print. Lucky you!

  3. Great choice of print! I love how it looks framed. Cute sandals! I'm not ready to give mine up yet, but it's been 80 here the past few days, so I don't have to worry about that. Now if we could just get some good foliage going....

  4. Well done on winning the gorgeous print!

  5. congrats on the win!
    Our weekend was cold and rainy, which was amazing because it's been really warm and dry here in Oklahoma.

  6. Oh, the weather has been crazy here as well. Going to extremes but I guess we will have to get used to that. I imagine it is simply amazing to walk barefoot in the fallen leaves!

    Beautiful print as well, congratulations for winning!

  7. its still cold here in Sydney - hanging out for warmer weather so we can wear sandals and flip flops!!

  8. It was unusually warm here in Iowa too...but I'm not complaining :)
    Congrats on your win and great idea to frame it with scrapbook paper!
