
Friday, October 7, 2011

Pinterest #8

I passed 1,000 pins on Pinterest this week. Actually, if you throw in the ones that are "liked" and not on any particular board, I've passed 1,100. That... is probably a sign I should spend less time on the computer.

In my defense, I've been pinning PRACTICAL things. Like these delicious Thai-style shrimp I could theoretically make for Hubsey:

And look, now I know what to do with those beautiful old doorknobs I see at the antique mall but never buy:

I learned that JTT (love of my middle school life) is doing well and just turned 30. See, Pinterest is good for all sorts of information:

And here's the house I want to buy:

Plus a room I'll build in said house:

Look at that. Pinterest is helping me get all sorts of things accomplished.

What did you pin this week? Anything legitimately practical? (I suppose I did find this rubber band idea.) Anybody else past the 1,000 pin mark? 2,000?


  1. Not quite there yet, but I'm right behind you. I love that house, I think I have that one pinned, and I was this close to pinning that reading nook, too. I like to think I pin at least one practical thing for every two or three nonsense pins. Hence, giving me something to try out. (Hence??)

  2. Ahhhh!! JTT...I'm so glad he's still alive. He disappeared for ages. I hear they are having a Home Improvement "family" reunion. He is so darn cute!
    That shrimp looks scrumpious...your pins are pretty darn fabulous lady!

  3. I used to be so in love with JTT. Now, he's not even my type. Oh..middle school years.

  4. Jenna, the Home Improvement cast reunited for a special issue of Entertainment Weekly! Not sure when it comes out, though...

  5. I've become a Pinterest addict. I don't always pin, but I do spend too much time looking at all the cool stuff! And that house is wonderful!

  6. I've been pinning alot - I should do a Pintrest blog post - I like the small little feature!

    BTW - Love the new shop! and yes, the banana non-iron button downs are my favorite. Landsend has good ones too, but the cut of the banana one is more flattering.

  7. I love Pinterest, but definitely need to be doing more pinning. :)

    This inspires me to want to do a Pinterest blog post, too!

    All the best,
    Mary C. Nasser Art Blog

  8. oh i love pinterest - its my favourite way to waste some time haha...i actually made some cinnmon buns that i pinned so its not all bad!!

  9. hahaha! oh JTT! I forgot about him and how adorable he was! Still is!

  10. My pinning has gotten out of control. I have been trying to control myself and only go on every other day. I have been pinning amazing button art all week.

    I love the house you choose on Pinterest, and the room looks beautiful.

    Everyday Inspired

  11. The shrimp looks great! And I love how they used the old cute!
