
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Shop Update: Twice the Fun

She's officially open for business:

Actually, the shop opened on Monday afternoon, but there wasn't much in there for a while. There still isn't a lot, but 12 listings is enough to share the link. Heck, that's the same number of items that are in Fashion Week on Project Runway, so let's just call this stuff the Fall 2011 collection.

To celebrate, I'm having a little coupon party: 15% off your purchase with code OPEN15.

And now I'm off to celebrate with a big cup of coffee and catching up on all the blogs I haven't had time to read yet this week. And then maybe a nap. Definitely a nap.


  1. Lovely! Congrats on the new store. A nap sounds good. I may follow up on that suggestion.

  2. Congrats on getting your shop up and running. I hope you get lots of sales!
    Everyday Inspired

  3. Wonderful start, some beautiful items there and I will stop by regularly to see what you add. I see a gift for Meg coming on :-)
    Congratulations and good luck - advice: join circles and teams X

  4. Congrats on your new shop! Lovely items.

  5. Congratulations, Paige! I wish you many happy customers and lots of inspiration!

  6. Thanks, everybody! Instead of taking that nap, I added more stuff. Ha ha.

  7. Looks absolutely wonderful! I love all of the pieces! Congrats on your new shop!
