
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What I Wore: Traveling Lightly

Next week I'm taking a little trip to Washington DC. I like to travel light, which gets to be more of a challenge when you're going to be somewhere chilly for four days. For me at least, four days is right on the border of whether or not I need to check a bag--which I haaaaaate. I'll need to shove as much into my carry-on as possible, so I played around on Polyvore this morning and put together an approximation of what I could bring:

Traveling Lightly

I don't own any of these exact items, but I'll bring similar versions of four shirts, one cardigan, one comfy wrap dress, one pair of skinny jeans, my sweet new boots, a scarf for some texture/warmth, and my huge red purse for a dose of color. Not included here is a jacket, but only because I'm not sure which one I'll need yet. Maybe they'll have a heat wave and I can get away with a windbreaker...

Do you travel light? Maybe you like to have a lot of options? Anybody gone to DC recently? I've never been, and I'm pretty excited.


  1. We try to travel as lightly as possible, but the more family members we acquire, the worse it becomes. Have a good trip- DC is fun!

  2. I'm on a trip now - just 3 days. My 30 look challenge helped me pack light. The hard part when I travel is that I'm on a construction site, so I need fresh pants each day because they get so dirty!

  3. I love mix & matching... you can throw a scarf on the same outfit for a whole new look! :)
    I've never been to DC but sounds fun!

  4. I try to travel light. When we visit my family in VA it is easier (only because we leave tons of clothes there each time). It is harder when we go on vacation. Have tons of fun in DC!

  5. You will LOVE DC! I was just there in August visiting my bachelor son.

  6. I am TERRIBLE at the whole travel light thing... I'm trying to get better, but I'm kind of hopeless. :(

  7. I love going down to DC-- only 45 minutes from Baltimore and so much free stuff to do! Make sure that you take layers! Fall down here means mid 70s and sunny during the day, but cool and crisp air at night-- you may not even need a jacket. We usually don't end up with colder weather until November.

  8. it's been so long since i've travelled, but i tend to overpack! i'm really good and rolling and shoving a whole lot into a small suitcase, tho, lol!

    i think you have all the essentials here!

    You're Invited: fall in love with mark.
