
Friday, October 21, 2011

Easy (and cheap!) Fall Decor

I'm not much of a seasonal decorator. It's not that I don't like decorations, it's that we live in 850 square feet and don't have a lot of room. (We're investigating a shelving system for the family room to free up some coveted closet space, but that's another story for another day.)

Anywho, I did put out a few things for fall, spending less than a dollar in the process. First, meet Gourdon:

The magical gourd of yore finally bit the dust, so I picked up this little guy at Whole Foods for 69 cents.

This bowl was a wedding gift, and these are the same old pine cones I've been using for two years:

And because the pine cones work for fall or winter, this can sit out from now until New Year's without looking strange.

For a Halloween-y vibe, I put some old drippy candles (from IKEA) on the dining room table:

And that's it! I'm tellin' ya, it doesn't take much to decorate a small house, which is okay with me because the longer we live here, the more I like not having a ton of space to fill/clean/decorate/check for spiders.

How did you decorate for fall? Did you do the lazy smart thing and use versatile items that can stick around for a while? Anybody else buy a tiny gourd?


  1. We are on a basically non-decorate plan at the moment since half of our house is in remodel mode. There is bedroom furniture and toys in the living room. We'll do Christmas stuff, but just a tree and mantle decor. However, I do love those small gourds and I think a centerpiece of them would be fun, and I really like your drippy, "ghost" candles. Easy and fun!

  2. I bought two pre-maid fall flower pots from the dollar store. Thats the extent of my Fall decorating but I plan to do more for Christmas.

  3. I love to use versatile items too, or make something that can be enjoyed for a while and then dismantled and used for other purposes later. I also often make things for the holidays and then donate them to Goodwill or give them to friends or family if they want them. I'm with you on the having less space to check for spiders though!!

  4. A number of years back I bought some tiny pumpkins and gourds and put them in a wooden bowl. This year I decorated with spiders! BIG ones.

    No need to check for spiders at my house you can see them from the curb. :)

  5. I decorated a pumpkin with ribbon and fabric paint and put it outside the front door in a large planter with gourds all around.
    I also modge podged some yellow leaves onto mason jars as candle holders

    That's all :) So smart, I know.

  6. Great ideas!
    We live in a small home too. Our porch is pretty big though so it's housing some pumpkins and a wreath. Then our piano is holding fall flowers and a pumpkin. That's about it! haha

  7. we've lived in nothing but small places, including our home. even with the addition we built, it's still just a cottage. if it was any bigger, i'd only have more to clean!

  8. Since we live in the forest I rarely decorate - it is like the forest is in our living room anyway! But we have a bowl full with wild chestnuts right now, apart from the exact same pine cones that you have!

  9. I am not a big decorator either. Christmas is the only time I really put anything out. I like your ideas, simple, fun, and easy to store.
    Everyday Inspired

  10. Love your cute little gourd! I'm doing minimalist decorations for Halloween---a nice seasonal table topper (gift from my quilter cousin) and a pumpkin by the door. Maybe some year I'll get a wreath.

  11. Yes, Yes!!
    I bought 2 tiny, vibrant, and deformed (to the verge of creepiness) gourds. I like to mix my Halloween with a more general Harvest decor, that way it makes sense up to Thanksgiving —kinda.

    Like you, I use the same cones year after year. There is no reason in the world to get rid of them!
    (The ones I have now came with us when we moved from NY to Chicago, go figure!!)

  12. I love pine cones :) Your decor is great and I like that you can keep things out for more than one season.
