
Monday, October 24, 2011

Family Farm Wedding

Let me preface this post by saying that I can count on one hand the number of times I've been on a farm in my entire life. A couple of them were family reunions, one was a misguided trip where I was told there would be horse-riding and there definitely was not, and one was....

A wedding! And it was yesterday.

The invitation told us it would be a picnic reception and to "please dress accordingly" (more on that tomorrow), so imagine my surprise when I walked into the tent and saw oodles of dried flowers and soft lighting:

That's my kind of picnic! And I have to say, not at all what I was expecting when I found out it was going to happen on a farm.

The bride and her friends made all of the centerpieces (some tables had three!), hung the lanterns, and baked the 12 pies they had on hand for dessert. The head table, which I sadly couldn't get a good picture of, had mismatched antique chairs pulled from the farmhouse. It was fabulous.

And this wasn't part of the farm, but the ceremony took place in a beautiful little church. Kind of reminds me of where I got married:

Have you been to a wedding on a farm? Was it how you thought it would be? Does anybody beat my number for fewest-times-on-a-farm? Has anybody never been to one?


  1. I've only been to farms a couple of times in my life, and never a wedding. This wedding looks gorgeous!

  2. I went to a picnic wedding this year and it was so pretty. I love the theme!

  3. My husband's grandfather owns a farm. This made my farm frequenting skyrocket. Looks like they did a wonderful job with the tent.

  4. I don't see any farm weddings in my town, never happens. Here, is just simple wedding in a building. Something like that. It will be amazing if I had chance to attend one!


  5. I love living on a farm :) If I ever get married, it will definitely be in our back yard!
