
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What I Wore: Country Wedding

I was faced with one of my larger wardrobe challenges over the weekend. Hubsey and I went to a farm wedding with a picnic reception, and the invitation urged us to "please dress accordingly."


Now, this might be my city-dweller imagination getting away from me, but when I hear "picnic" I think "ham salad" "jeans." And then I cringe, because where I'm from, one does not wear jeans to a wedding. Period. But then again, this wedding isn't in my neck of the woods, so does that make the jeans okay?

Anyhoodle, after several outfit changes and phone calls ("What are YOU wearing?"), this is where I ended up:

cardigan: Old Navy
blouse: Loft
jeans: F21
boots: Rack
earrings: I made them

"Dressy jeans" was the consensus. I probably would have been okay in my favorite wrap dress of all time--which was option #2--but I was afraid of getting chilly when the sun went down. So the jeans won.

I'm not gonna lie, it felt totally strange to wear them, but it WAS easier to dance without the squeeze of panty hose.

What about you? Jeans at a wedding: yay or nay?


  1. Ooooo tough one. Yea, I'd hate to be the one in jeans at a wedding, but were you the only one? What did everyone else wear? I think I'd be ok with it if everyone else was doing it. (I'm a little bit of a follower, ok?) :)

  2. You made a great choice! We're pretty casual around here, so jeans to a wedding wouldn't bother me :)

  3. Kristen, nope, there was a large handful of people also rocking the denim. Also a lot of khakis, but I just can't bring myself to wear those. *shudder*

  4. Jeans at a wedding...yay I say:):) What could be better, good friends, good food and comfortable clothes:)

  5. Wow - totally weird dilema! How did you fare? Any other jean wearing renegades?

  6. Sounds like you played it safe and it worked out. What did the bride and groom wear?

  7. WOW I would have had a hard time deciding what to wear!

    FARM does scream jeans though. And your outfit is cute!

  8. I've never worn jeans to a wedding, but I guess I've never been to a picnic wedding on a farm either. I like that you mixed it with the flowy top - cute!

    I have worn pants to a reception once (they got married in a small private ceremony at the house and then had a big reception later). But I wore nice black trouser style pants; some of the guys wore khakis but that's as casual as it got. I also think people should be able to have whatever kind of wedding they want, and if they want jeans, then jeans it is! :)

  9. Marilyn, the bride and groom were dressed up but went a bit non-traditional. She didn't wear a veil and chose acorn jewelry, and his suit was brown instead of the usual black. They fit in with the atmosphere!

  10. Love it! I went to an Ohio farm wedding last year and I couldn't help but wear a dress with frye boots. Boots are my favorite! xox!

  11. I love what you chose! I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with jeans if that's the style of wedding and what the bride and groom want. My daughter went to the same type of wedding and said it was the most fun and relaxed, and memorable wedding she had been to.

  12. You nailed it lady! The sheer fabric and ruffled detailing in the blouse really dressed the jeans up... A really elegant look. We told our guests they could wear whatever they wanted to our wedding, and your outfit would have looked amazing!

