
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pinterest #9

Ah, Pinterest. You delivered again on the sweet stuff this week. I've already mentioned the custom console I can make out of unfinished kitchen cabinets, and here's some more pinny goodness:

An updated version of all the Scrabble projects floating around:

Still the lazy reluctant chef, but I'd be willing to put in the extra work for these burgers and fries:

Spray paint candle holders to match the candles, something I'm considering for Christmas decor (in different colors, don't worry):

I'm drooling over the pretty details on this dress:

And it wouldn't be a Pinterest post without a kitchen:

If I could just find a similar piece of furniture to the one they used for this island, we wouldn't have to worry about storage in the living room anymore. Sigh.

What did you pin this week? Getting any Christmas present ideas?


  1. WOW! That kitchen is incredible! I Pinned lots this week and shared some fun projects on my blog today!

  2. I love all the kitchens I see on there. Just incredible. I have some holiday stuff pinned but now I need to go through them and figure out what I'd actually like to do!

  3. WOW I'd love to claim that kitchen as mine. But I'd need to hire a chef to do it justice. I do like the candles and that'd be doable for me. TFS

  4. I love those candle holders!! I would totally do that. Also, that dress is gorgeous. Ahhh! Want.

  5. Great candle holder idea and I love that dress!

  6. i love love those burgers and fries! i want to make turkey burgers! also that dress is beautiful!


