
Monday, November 28, 2011

DIY: Mini Christmas Art

Remember those tiny picture frames I found in the dollar section at Michael's? And I couldn't figure out what to do with them?

No more!

I actually didn't end up doing any of my original ideas (fill them with scrapbook paper, make them into ornaments, or turn them into pincushions). The end product involved scrapbook paper, but that's not the main feature...

They're reversible! Since small frames can be harder to fill, I wanted to start out with some options.

I made them by cutting scrapbook paper down to size and adding Christmas stickers (which were 50% off at JoAnn the day I went) to each side.

The green one is the oddball that doesn't have anything on the back. But that's okay, because I really like what's in there now. Plus, since that frame is the biggest, it'll be easier to fill with other, non-holiday stuff later.

I probably won't display them as a group, but I took a class picture anyway. Ignore how blindingly white the middle paper is; it's not that bright in person (stupid camera):

Have you made any decorations this year? Anybody else making use of glittery stickers? If you look at it kind of fast, doesn't that reindeer look like a dog?

By the way, the Cyber Monday sale is still going on in both shops. All items in LWC are marked 20% off, and you can use coupon code HOLIDAYS20 over at Oh Nostalgia to save 20% and get free gift wrapping.


  1. Very cool idea with the frames. I use christmas stickers for my bling soaps. Check them out in my etsy shop ^)^

  2. love what you did with those little frames! perfect for the holidays!

    hope you have lots of shop sales today, i am doing a sale as well :)



  3. Cute idea! I am still far away from Christmas decorations. I kind of don't like the month-long celebration. You loose yourself into it.

  4. ABSOLUTELY looks like a dog!

  5. They turned out very nicely!!

  6. Sonya, the Christmas season lasts longer and longer every year in the States. It's like things go straight from Halloween to Santa, which is annoying. :-/

  7. I have been making ornaments like mad. I have glitter on me someplace at all times! Very cute! I really need to make ornaments for MY tree..I am sick of what I have on there but i think the kids would pitch a fit because those are the ones that have been on there for years. They are tradition sticklers!

  8. Totally original - I love it!
    (blogging buddies)
