
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Get Fancy

Technically speaking, BHLDN sells wedding items. But when you're me and you're poking around over there instead of doing real work, you end up finding things to wear to a (hypothetical) fancy holiday party. Whoops! We'd better take a gander so all that time wasn't wasted:

It just... needs to appear in my closet! All of it!

And I say "appear" because the prices are a bit of a buzz kill. The sassy blue shoes are $280, the sweet gloves are $160, the AMAZING black and gold dress is $420, that cute yellow number is $375, the black shoes that embody the phrase "the right kind of wrong" are $335, and the dainty flower brooch is $375.

Bummer. If only I had a formal event coming up...

Anybody else a fan of BHLDN? Do you have a different go-to site for eye candy? Or procrastinating?

P.S. I'm guest posting today over at Pretty Handy Girl! Pop on over to see easy Christmas decorating ideas using everyday items.


  1. I love playing the Looklet. It's funny that I just visited the BHLDN site this morning and fell in love.


  2. I LOVE that yellow dress! Very very cute. But holy geez...that's a lot of cash!
    As you can see, I am on blogger right now checking out the daily reads, and I'm at work. Sooooo...procrasnating is a little vice of mine. But blogs are SO much more fun! :p

  3. I really like the black and gold dress. Just not the price. And I don't have anywhere to wear it!

  4. Simply beautiful but I wouldn't have any where to wear them.

  5. Oh man, I love BHLDN. In a dream world, all of that would be mine too...

  6. Love those black shoes. Great finds! Thanks for sharing.
    from Blogging Buddies

  7. Love the dresses, and those blue shoes...sweet!

  8. Hello, little lady! It's been a while... I must have so many fresh posts to catch up to! :)

    (Those black heels with golden interior are dangerously attractive.)

  9. Love the black and gold dress and that brooch...but not the price tags!
