
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Tiny House Movement

I've written before about how the Hubs and I live in a small condo (840 square feet). I do complain about it--mainly because the builders didn't think to include much storage--but overall, I like it. It's less to clean, there's not room to accumulate extra stuff, and since there's only one "main" living space, we spend a lot of time together.

However, I don't think I could go any smaller. Could you? The reason I bring this up is the Tiny House Movement. Basically, folks are downsizing and moving into itty bitty homes like this one:

It looks pretty cute from the outside, but it's a 310 square foot studio. I literally cannot imagine living there.

This would also be a problem:

There are even some adventurous folks putting tiny houses on wheels, similar to an RV, I suppose:

Homes are considered tiny if they're under 1,000 square feet, so I guess we're accidentally in this group anyway, but most are a lot smaller. Here's an interesting link if you want to see what some of these floor plans look like.

I'll admit, I'm fascinated by this... but I just wouldn't want to live that way. Would you? Have you heard of this trend? Does it make you want to downsize in a more reasonable way? I'm also curious to hear what some of you larger-homed folks think about it.


  1. I've looked at apartments recently that are only 650 sq feet. I told my fiance I don't love him enough to live in that small of a space with him :) Our last apartment was 1100 sq feet. That was just about perfect.

  2. I live in a condo too. It's a decent size for a condo, but I wouldn't want to go any smaller. When we move (someday - to somewhere with better winters!), I just want a yard. That's all I want for Christmas Santa Claus. Just a yard.

    I do think it's a cool movement though. Houses are ridiculous these day. The huge McMansions that all look identical seem excessively wasteful to me.


  3. Hmmm...I guess it would depend on how it was laid out. I've seen places on House Hunters and shows like that that are TINY by normal standard (and selling for 6 figures!) 500 sq. feet and what not...but then they walk in and it doesn't LOOK that small. I have 4 I don't think I could go too much smaller than 800 sq. feet. I think I'll leave willingly downsizing to someone else!

  4. I love the idea of living in a tiny house! Then again, I have never lived in my own house, so I'm not sure if I'd be able to handle it. I love looking at the architecture of tiny houses, though. Such a good idea.

  5. That would be perfect for just a craft space! I couldn't live in one of those homes. My husband and I have too much stuff

  6. I think I could live like that if I had to, but I wouldn't choose to. It does look cute, though.
    from Blogging Buddies

  7. Our row house is 1060 sq ft so we've gotten used to small (and narrow) spaces very quickly! My only complaint-- not enough room for my card crafting and designing! Other than that it's nice to have to trim back on the excess things you don't really need!

  8. The houses are so cute! Thanks for the link. It is quite interesting.

    We downsized 3 years ago. Sold our 1499 sq.ft. moneypit-house and most of our stuff. We live in our 37 ft long motorhome with 4 cats and we are quite comfortable. Cleaning is a breeze compared to our old house.

    Going smaller has been a relief to us. Less bills - less need to work full-time - less stress - less health issues.

    I'm also a quilter and I am able to quilt in our motorhome. If you are interested in reading more, just send me an email. I don't want to spam your comments. We have two blogs about our lifestyle and I can send you our links.

  9. Oh my gosh I have totally heard of this trend. There is just no way I could do it! With a one year old a big dog and my hubs, we would never fit:) I could do 800 sq ft but no way could I do 300!

  10. Have you read Wayward Sparks blog? she lives in a small home with her hubby and two children - it's fastening but I don't think i could do it. But I do think the outdoor shower without walls is kind of fun, haha!

  11. Paige, I'm so excited to see you mention Tiny Houses. I freelance as a copy editor for the Tiny House Blog ( where readers and designers talk about their tiny homes and why they choose to downsize.

    I've always said I don't want to live in a big house because I don't want to clean one! But I've met lots of people through the blog who said they chose to live in a tiny house because they could live debt free! These folks bought land and then built their houses or in some cases bought modular homes.

  12. I just happened in here. I am also a Tiny House builder/owner. I have not yet made the full transition to living there because work keeps me in another area from where it is that my Tiny House is underway and also where I would most like to live. I have a blog about this experience at if you are interested in seeing more about what it is about, and like. I enjoyed your story. Laura
