
Thursday, December 1, 2011

What I Wore: Like A Boss

It's been a while since I've done one of these, so I thought I'd check in:

You can't tell, but I really did cut my hair...

Posing like a superhero though my powers are still dormant.

Necklace from Oh Nostalgia!

cardigan: Gordman's
blouse: Loft
belt: thrifted
jeans: Forever 21
boots: Target
necklace: I made it

Yep, there I am. Still getting dressed even though I work from home full-time now. I tried to do the lazy/comfy thing a couple of times, but then I remembered that I had to leave the house for something, anyway, so I might as well put some real clothes on. It's easier to just keep a routine.

I do have the urge to revert back to College Paige and wear jeans and a t-shirt everyday, but I'm fighting it. I have all of those office-y clothes left from the day job, so I might as well use them, right?

What are you wearing lately? Are you officially into your winter wardrobe?


  1. I work from home (and have for a few years now) and I just can't get myself out of my pajamas every day. Unless of course I have somewhere to go. But in general the only time I leave the house during the week is to go to the gym. So it's either gym clothes or pajamas. So exciting. I can't wait til I have a job that I actually love, that lets me leave the house, and that I get to dress cute for.

  2. Tights and cardigans all the way! I think if I worked from home, I would probably change clothes too. I can't imagine being in my PJs all day as it makes it too tempting to just lounge around and be lazy. :)

  3. I really like the collar on that blouse! The loft tops never seem to fit me right though.

    Today I'm wearing exercise clothes. Showing off my new commitment to health! LOL

  4. lovely outfit, kudos to you for still dressing in real clothes while working from home! sometimes i find myself in sweats all day when i have the day off!

    in the real world i am wearing boots and sweaters all the time, it is getting COLD here in colorado!


  5. I love the cardigan/blouse combination! I'm on a brown & black kick these days.

  6. Very cute outfit! I know what you mean about staying in your pj's. There's just something about putting on regular clothes that makes you want to start the day. I tend to do jeans and a turtleneck sweater (my staple) just for the fact that we have neighbors drop by unannounced sometimes and I don't want to be in my pajamas or looking scrubby if they do!

  7. You always look so well put-together! I love this outfit - chic and casual at the same time. I almost never get dressed beyond jeans and an old sweater or shirt during the week (ironic, since I design clothing for a living), but I always seem to feel better when I do. Thinking I need to take off these pajama pants now...

  8. I love the drapey neck thing going on in that shirt!

  9. *Sigh* you put me to shame! I'd love to say that I look as smart as you! At the moment Ugg boots and sunglasses are part of my permanent attire. Perfect for the 8am school run...

  10. I am really in love with your necklace!
