
Friday, November 11, 2011

In the Details

I'm not a fan of excessively girly items, but I do appreciate things that have a lot of detail. This is true for pretty much everything that involves a decision: home decor, DIY projects, what book to buy, etc. It's also the case for dressing myself:

The blue and tan lace dresses are both $40, the bronze flower flats are $39 (and are probably the closest to girly that I'll ever get), and the typewriter key necklace is $19.50.

How about you? Details in more subdued colors? Or full on pink with glitter?

We have a busy weekend ahead of us. It's our college homecoming, and a lot of folks are coming back into town. Should be fun! Any big plans in your neck of the woods?


  1. Ooooh! I LOVE that typewriter necklace! A really great price for how detailed it is.
    It depends on the day for me. I mostly wear dresses but for the most part the jewelry is pretty low key and not super froo-froo. I do love a good pair of glitter heels or eyeshadow with a pop of glitter. :)

  2. What cool pieces!! Yeah, I'm not into the girly-girl either, but will definitely do subdued details. That necklace - oh yeah!

  3. VERY nice. Almost vintage. LOVE the necklace. I am NOT a pink with glitter person. LOL

  4. The blue with the lace is lovely!

  5. I looooove Jennifer Lily's shop, i don't know how many of her dresses I have in my favorites. One day I need to get one. :)

  6. Oh, soooo bad with detailed stuff. I have mostly solid, classic clothes, basic jewelry, etc. I am not too much into frilly froo froo either, and I just don't accessorize well!!

  7. Great finds! The details make those items so special. Have a fun weekend!

  8. I love the blue lace dress! Not shopping is soooo difficult. I am a fan of subtle details, but I have such a hard time with combining detailed things. I need to work on accessorizing big time.
