
Thursday, November 10, 2011


This title kind of looks like gibberish, like I just whacked my keyboard and ended up with a blob of letters. But it's not! It's an acronym I learned on the Etsy forums:

I won't keep you in suspense any longer: today is my last day at work! I'm officially self-employed starting tomorrow! Aaaaaah!

If you had said to me at my college graduation, "Paige, in three years you won't be using your degree--you'll be making jewelry and working out of your guest room!" I would have replied, "Totally! Do I also have a clone?"

This is NOT how I thought my life would go, but now that I'm here, I feel like I should have been doing this all along.

Of course, I didn't get here by myself. My family and friends have been incredibly supportive, and have a knack for shamelessly promoting everything I do. The Etsy community has offered more advice than I could have imagined. And then there's Hubsey. I joke that he's just the business end of this, but he's really a partner in every sense of the word. He helps at craft shows, reminds me to do my bookkeeping, talks to me about web strategy, and is there with a hug and a pep talk when I need them.

So, basically, I have some awesome people in my life and felt like I should say so. You guys are the best.

I'm not gonna pretend that I'm some huge business expert now, but if you have any questions or feel like you could use some advice, I'll be glad to help if I can. Just leave a comment.

And to those of you who already crossed the bridge to self-employment, do you have any tips to share with the class? Anything you wish you knew way back when?


  1. Wow! That is big news!
    Congratulations on your big step! I wish you more success than you even envision!

  2. Wow, congratulations!!! You're going to do great things!

  3. Good for you!!! I wish you much success!

  4. Congrats Paige! That an amazing opportunity!

  5. Congrats! Good luck on your journey. I have worked from home for a long time and it's worked out well for me. (Of course I also have a husband who has a "real" job, which has made it possible.) My only advice is: don't stay in your pajamas all day. :)

    Lynette - Sweet Posy Dreams
    Etsy Blog Team

  6. Oh my! Congrats to you. I would LOVE to work on our little shops/blog full-time and live. You should do a mini series with tips and advise for us working fools!

  7. Congrats - I love the way you photograph your jewelry, it looks very cool.

  8. Yay Paige! Congratulations!!! Your hubby sounds awesome too. I'm so happy for you and your new chapter in life. I look forward to reading your progress and hope one day I can claim the same. :)

  9. that is amazing! congrats! so many people dream of doing it - good for you for making it a reality!

  10. Wow, congrats! I am about to quit my insurance job and open a store in an antique mall. I am so nervous but I think doing what you love makes life that much more amazing. I am so happy for you... and yes, tips please!

  11. CONGRATS!! That's wonderful.

  12. Yay!!!! So happy for you Paige! Your jewelry is stunning and you've worked to hard to get to where you are. I wish you lots of continued success!

    I've been self-employed for 10 years now (yikes!) and I think my best advice would be the thing that I have the hardest time doing myself :). Try to schedule a time where work stops each day. It sounds simple, but it can be hard!

    Huge congrats again!!!


  13. Yay! Congratulations! This is so exciting (and inspiring) :)

  14. wow...I am so happy for you. Wishing lots of success. I don't think I can quit my day job as a full-time stay at home mom for another 2 years (that's when the youngest kiddo will start school), but when the time comes, I want to join you in the ranks of the self-employed.

    Looking forward to updates as to how it is working out.


  15. That's awesome Paige! A Big Congrats to you!

  16. Woo! Hoo! Congratulations and good luck!
    Enjoy those weeks of "Saturdays."

  17. Congratulations! Just found your blog and love it, think you'll do perfectly!

  18. WooHoo!!! Congrats on the big step Paige!
    I hope to one day join you in the self-employed world :)

  19. CONGRATS girl!!! I'm behind on my blog reading and just saw this... so great and so excited for your upcoming adventures!!!!

  20. WOW! This is major, Paige!!

    •Paige, being hoisted by the crowd!•
