
Tuesday, November 8, 2011


You'll have to let me indulge in a nerd moment. I read a lot of fantasy books, especially of the young adult variety, and today one of my series is ending.

It's officially called the Inheritance Cycle, but it's probably easier if I just call it Eragon because there's a chance you've heard of it that way. Basically, it's Harry Potter with more dragons and less humor. The last book comes out today (creatively titled Inheritance--wow, I'm not making much of a case for this, am I?) and I'll be heading to the bookstore after work to pick it up.

I really am ready for the conclusion, so I put together some themed goodies for your viewing pleasure:

The midnight sunstone necklace (seriously, what a cool name for a gemstone) is $69, the spotted peacock quill pen is $18, and the brass dragon ring is also $69.

Anybody else buying this today? I feel like it's going to be me and a bunch of teenage boys at the store...


  1. Ooooh! I've always been interested in starting the series. I have such a neverending list of books to read! I actually just induldged in my bookieness (yep...totally a word) and bought the third book in the Tiger's Curse series that just came out last week. I'm obsessed with it so I completely understand your excitement! That ring is so darn cute!

  2. Well.... I won't be reading the books but I do want that ring! Does that count?

  3. LOL..I have that exact feather poked in an old bottle sitting on my kitchen windowsill! I got mine for free (minus all my cats' food they steal) from the neighbor's peacocks that spend all day at my house. Cool picks and happy reading! Julia

  4. I've been wanting to start that series! I'm reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo right now and after that I'm planning on jumping in the the Hunger Games series. Hopefull after that I will get into this series :) I love that necklace by the way!

  5. Just finished a custom request for "Inheritance". I'll be posting it up on my gallery soon. It's sad when a series ends. Although, it never really does, does it? Happy reading! Savor every minute of it.

    Etsy Blog Team

  6. I have some of these as they were in my classroom library, though I never got a chance to read them. I think they are hanging out somewhere in the basement right now. Maybe it's time to dig them out- I've heard other good things about them. And I'm with Mindi- The Hunger Games is awesome!

  7. I haven't read the series, but I am starting to think i may need to pick it up...

  8. We have the books at our house but I haven't read them. Love the themed goodies!

  9. It's a solid series. Not the best thing I've ever read, but still good.

    For a hilariously fun time, read the first book and then watch the movie. You'll see exactly why they stopped after one. Ha ha.

  10. Hey Paige,
    it doesn't sound like my kind of book, but wishing you a great time reading it.

    Found you via blogging buddies. You have a great blog.


  11. Never read them, although I'm familiar with the series, from my times as a Barnes & Noble minion... ;)

    Midnight Sun has a magnificent ring to it!

  12. I know I've heard of the series, but haven't read. Still haven't finshed Harry Potter series.

    All time favorite series.........Nancy Drew and Little House On the Prarie by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I'd spend hours in the cubby of my parent's desk, with a giant flashlight reading Nancy Drew as a girl.

    I think it's great that you're so excited about a book coming out that you're going straight to the bookstore!

  13. Hmm, I think I'll add the series to my list of books to read. I loved reading Harry Potter. I find reading books with such creative imagination inspires me to create.
