
Monday, November 7, 2011

Pinterest #10

Does everybody know what time it is? (Pat yourself on the back if you said Tool Time.) Let's take a gander at some of the things I loved on Pinterest this week.

First of all, how sweet is this custom Scrabble keyboard? Sadly, I can't find any definitive information about it, so I don't know how much it is or who made it, but I do know that I want one.

For those of us who are not so great with graphic design, this tutorial for how to make your paragraphs into shapes will be a huge help:

This dress is just lovely:

Using a bookshelf instead of a traditional railing. Smart!

I've seen a lot of tutorials for how to DIY one particular mirror from Pottery Barn, but this version clocks in at an impressive $11 for materials (assuming you already own paint and glue, which I think is most folks):

Hi, buddy! I like your stripes! And tiny face! And that hand looks kind of like a talon swooping down to get you, but let's not think about that.

Did you have a favorite pin this week? And more importantly, did you have a good weekend? Mine was productive, and kind of set the tone for the busy two months I'm about to have. (More on that soon.)


  1. Omg that dog!! So so cute. Also, I looked up that Scrabble keyboard too and found a website of a guy who apparently built it and is working on making more for sale. You can add your name to a mailing list to find out more info:

  2. Oh those are nice! I really like the bookcase/railing idea. I just joined Pinterest this week and am wallowing in the recipe section. LOL

  3. Oh my goodness, I want that keyboard... and that dress... and that bookcase... and that puppy hahaha

  4. Followed from reading about you on Oh the Lovely Things. Adore your blog!


  5. OMG...Where can I get one of those puppies!!! I think Harley needs a friend :)
    That dress is so the color. And that keyboard is fun! to look at puppies now :)

  6. the picture of the dog is so cute!

  7. Oh, I'll take the scrabble keyboard, please!

  8. Yes, me too, love that scrabble board, want one:)

  9. That scrabble keyboard is awesome! Really great finds. I'm now following your Pinterest boards. =)
    from Blogging Buddies team

  10. is that dog for real? it is too cute for words! i think you might be more obsessed with pinterest than me!



  11. Me and some friends are trying to figure out the breed of the little white cutie.. Please help us with that. Thank you
