
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Time to find a calendar.

Greetings and welcome back! Did you have a good holiday? The Hubs and I had a Christmas marathon: three sides of the family in four days. Whew! And now we're trying to figure out what we're doing for New Year's, but that's another story.

Since I'm working again today, I figured it was time to tackle some organization. Lately I've gotten away from using a day planner (I have a weekly to-do list instead), but I still need a wall calendar to keep track of major, off-in-the-future things. Birthdays come to mind--which is ironic because I usually forget them when they happen. Hence the calendar.

Let's look at a few, shall we?

I like the idea of a perpetual calendar, especially if I can find a cute one that I can bust out for a few years in a row. This foliage-themed option is fun, $15.

Or if I feel like I'll still want to know the day of the week, I can do a chalkboard wall calendar. Nice for looking ahead at your entire month, $30.

I also dig the idea of framing each month's page and making a big wall display. I'd need different inserts than these, but the overall plan is great. Via Pinterest.

Have you gotten your new calendar for 2012 yet? What'd you find? Maybe you're a member of the day planner club instead?

P.S. The blog is undergoing a small New Year's makeover, so don't be alarmed by the 37 different banners you may see today.


  1. I use a calendar planner. Every year I have to adjust to the new one. I used to buy day planner and refill my book. Too expensive.

    I got a couple of free calendars from the bank. One will stay in the office. The other in the kitchen.

    I tried going without using a planner and I found I was forgetting things even with them scheduled in my phone, I was losing the planning ahead time.

    Stopping by from Blogging Buddies


  2. I got a cute little desk calendar from my boss. I also got a lot of freebie calendars from places I've donated money to so I am kinda drowning in calendars right now. I have no excuse to forgetting anything. :)

  3. I LOVE the last one! What a great idea to make an "artistic calendar" display. I have two 2012 calendars. Both of which...are cat related. Surprise surprise!

  4. Yep! I new a new calendar too! but haven't decided what kind to use this year. Taking a few days to reflect on last year before I decide.

  5. I buy a cheap-o one to put on the wall by the phone for appointments (this year it's lighthouses) and I have a cute desktop one my graphic designer friend made. I would like to make one myself, but, oh, the time, the time.

  6. The chalkboard calendar is a fave! Merry Christmas and happy deciding for a New Year's Eve party!
