
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tiny Tim... I mean, Tables

The holidays have made things pretty busy over here at Casa Ronchetti, so we haven't figured out our entertainment center situation yet, but we did make a different change to the living room.

As you'll see in a second, our end tables were nothing special. When I moved in with the Hubs, he didn't have end tables at all (he'd just put his glass on the floor if he wasn't near the coffee table), so I pranced over to IKEA and bought some cheap thing that was "good enough" for the time being.

The baskets were added later for storage.

Yeah... dark, boxy, and that glass top is a crumb magnet. Super attractive when I forget to clean underneath it (which is all the time). They've been on my list of updates for a while.

Thankfully, I found a couple of things that are more interesting:

(I apologize for the blown out and/or dark pictures. It's hard to get a good shot when you only have one window in an 18'x12' room.)

The white table, which Mr. Shabby Chic is very excited about, was $38 from the last craft show I did, and the metal "school table," as we're calling it, was $15 from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

Not only did they free us from the matchy-matchy tables we had before, but they're several inches taller, which means the light is better over there. Plus, I didn't have to paint either of them! I just scooted the old ones out of the way and plopped these down. Love it.

Have you done any furniture upgrades lately? Or found anything sweet at a thrift store? Is furniture the last thing on your mind this time of year?


  1. Oooooh, I love the school table. Do those leaves fold up?

  2. They sure do! Perfect for when we have more than a couple of people here.

  3. Fun new tables! And how great that they were ready to go as is!

  4. Oh how I love tables - I wish I had more storage space for them ;-)

  5. Cool new tables!

    Stopping by from Blogging Buddies


  6. How cool! I wish I could mix and match stuff like that but I think my BF would go crazy lol!

  7. we decorate with lots of stuff on the walls and knick knacks! also my bookcase is my pride and joy. i think lots of stuff around makes the place homey :)


  8. Great finds! Our "end table" is really an old bedside table from my grandmother's house, and we just use the ottoman on the other side. I like when things aren't so matchy matchy also.

  9. that's a typewriter table. the leaves would fold up when you were typing so you'd have a place to put your papers. when you were finished, the leaves would go down, and you could wheel it out of the way. I love how you're repurposing it!
