
Friday, December 9, 2011

Weekend Plans

I bought myself an early birthday present yesterday! Well, two of them, actually:

Dressy boots! I'd been casually looking for a while without much luck. And then yesterday I had some time to kill before I met with my accountant, so I wandered into a store called Charming Charlie.

Overall, not my favorite place (they sort their merchandise by color to "help you coordinate" when I think sorting by style would be better), but they DID have a lot of boots at a reasonable price. These were $40, and they're so comfy I think I'll wear them at my show this weekend.

How's THAT for a transition?

If you're going to be anywhere near Chicago, you'll want to check this out. A mix of fine art and handmade goodies from 100 vendors, Saturday and Sunday, noon to 5pm both days. I've done this show in the past and it's excellent. You can score a free admission pass right here.

So what are you up to this weekend? Buying shoes? Going to a craft fair? Something totally different?


  1. Cute shoes! I LOVE charming charlies but I agree the store can be overwhelming.

  2. Awesome Birthday gift! I've been searching for a new watch as a birthday/christmas gift to myself for a while - haven't found the right one yet.

    I'm doing a craft fair this weekend too! Just Saturday and I haven't done anything yet to prepare... oops. But I don't need to set up a whole tent so I thinking it should be pretty simple. Trying to get in the last of my Christmas sales.

  3. Great looking boots! I have been looking for some too!

    Finding ones we like that fit and are comfortable can be a challenge!

    Have a Happy Birthday!

    Stopping by from Blogging Buddies


  4. Those are fantastic - boots are the best!

  5. you can never have too many boots!

    this weekend i am going to a show and a lunch date with a girlfriend :) good luck at your craft show!


  6. Good luck at the show! And your new boots look great. Also, Happy early Birthday!! xo, Mary

  7. I want to be buying boots and go to craft shows this weekend!

  8. Seeing you post about boots makes me realize how much time I've wasted browsing on Etsy searching for a perfect vintage pair of ankle boots! Sadly, I'm not in a zone where it's appropriate to wear them cos my feet will be all sweaty if I do. It sucks with what tropical weather can do to you somehow.



  9. Cute boots, and what a great price. I hope you had a great show!
    Everyday inspired
