
Thursday, January 5, 2012

12 in 2012

I'm not so great with the New Year's resolutions. Like most people, I get all gung ho about them for three seconds, and then they just fade away into the ether. I work best with a lot of flexibility, so instead of doing concrete resolutions, I'm joining Regina and others with 12 goals for 2012.

They can be big, small, important, fun--if it's something you feel like you should be doing, stick it on the list.

My agenda, in no particular order:

1. Exercise everyday. I have mild scoliosis, and I'd like it to stay that way (as opposed to getting all Quasimodo up in here). Which means I have to strengthen my core and stretch out those cranky back muscles. I do it regularly now, but I should probably up my game.

2. Cook more. Considering how much food TV I watch, it's weird how little I make from scratch. I don't have a set number of dishes per week, but I will be trying new things.

3. Stop working 24/7. Easier said than done when you work from home.

4. Go back to school. Okay, this isn't really a "goal" since I already know it's happening. I wanted a degree more relevant to what I'm doing now (my original one is in broadcasting--not helpful), so I start a two-year Interior Design program next week. Yay!

5. Get a new computer. This one is nearing the end.

6. Get rid of my old computer from college. It's just taking up room in my closet, and the only reason it's still there is because I haven't pulled my favorite papers off of its hard drive. Does anybody else hold onto their favorite papers? Just me? Okay.

7. Organize my office. Again. As business grows, I just acquire more and more stuff. And all of that stuff needs a home, not a pile on the guest bed.

8. Find some new art shows.
 The major shows are staying on tap for 2012, but I want to add a few more to the list.

9. Reach 650 sales in my main shop. I'm at 441 right now, so I think another 209 is an appropriately motivational number. Not completely unrealistic, but scary enough to light a fire under my ass. I'd also like to hit 100 sales in my new shop, which currently sits at 30.

10. Paint the living room. When I painted over the green wall of yore last year, I only did one coat. (Listen, it was summer, and then there was a heat wave so I stopped working, and then forgot about it for months... and months.) So I'll fix that.

11. Read more historical fiction. It's a great genre, but I always seem to get sucked into the young adult section at the store. Time to branch out a little.

12. Relax. I'm not known for my amazing stress management skills, or staying calm in the face of minor worry (which includes things like seeing a spider), but I'm working on it.

So there we go, 12 things to keep me busy in 2012! Are you making resolutions/goals for yourself this year? What's the main thing you hope to get done?


  1. I like your plan. I tried a 101 dreams/goals in 1001 days - I'll be posting next week.

    Also - I have a historical fiction recommendation: Jack's Window. About Jackie Kennedy - it was great!

  2. Sounds like a great list Paige... I have added more exercise and eating healthier bit too:):)

  3. Excellent list! I love the idea of going back to school. There's a graphic design program at the local CC I'd love to hit up, now's just not the time. I think it's a good ambitious list and I'm excited to see how it all goes!

  4. I like the 12 resolution idea... I think I have two computers sitting in my basement now. I feel weird taking them to the recycling center. They are like old friends.

  5. I shared my 12 in 2012 last week - would love for you to check them out!

    I love your last one - relax! Something I could do more of!

  6. That's a great list. I don't do resolutions either, but I made a short list of intentions for the new year!

  7. good luck with your goal :) I really like the idea of going back to school. I wish I can do so in 2013 :P

  8. great goals, they all seem pretty achievable! i kind of just have one goal this year, which is opening up a boutique, it is a pretty huge goal, so i figured that goal was enough!

    good luck with your 12 :)


  9. Great goals! I wish I could cook more too but I get home sooo late, my boyfriend does most of the cooking. I see so many recipes I would like to try just to make a batch of and split it up for lunch to take to work.

    Good luck! :)

  10. I love your goals! You can do them!!

  11. I excited for your #4 goal! yay for you!! Let us know how it goes.

  12. Great goals. You have no idea how good it felt to read that someone else has a pile on the guest bed. I am working on getting that taken care of but it is still a mess!

    Please consider sharing this post over at the BBA team blog link party for Goals 2012
    Goal Link Party

  13. Well, it would help if the link worked;

  14. I'm not nearly so ambitious: but did post something at for 2012 + Future Plans which might be of interest. Look forward to welcoming you again soon!

    Happy New Year to one and all!

  15. I like the list. I've been avoiding making resolutions, but for some reason goals sounds more workable. Now I've got to figure out my own list. Thanks for the inspiration!
