
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cold Snap!

Pardon me while I complain for a second. Tonight it's the belated New Year's party at Hubsey's office, and I was all set to wear a dress and be fancy. But then Mother Nature decided to send a cold snap through, and I can look forward to a low of 6 degrees. SIX DEGREES of Kevin Bacon.

So that's lame.

Even more lame is that my beloved wool coat, the one I've been wearing for five winters, is starting to wear out. I really don't want to buy a new one, but I'm also getting tired of wearing a fleece jacket underneath it on days like today. It's not so great at blocking wind anymore.

If I have to think about moving on, then I want something cool like this:

Long, military style, and a dark color. I also like that it has a dramatic collar, but that's not a requirement. $108.

And this is totally impractical because my arms would freeze and fall off, but how sweet is this cape?!

If only I lived somewhere with milder winters...

Are you stuck with this cold front today, too? What are you doing to stay warm? Anybody else doing the double-jacket thing?


  1. I hate cold weather, but I kind of LOVE cold weather clothes. I bought a new coat (finally) 2 years ago and have worn it exactly THREE times. Not much need for a cute coat in Houston, but still feel the need to HAVE one. Have fun at the party!

  2. Now, these are the times that I am glad I live in Florida:) The weather is good enough for hubby to be laying pavers in the front walkway with the garderner....sorry, don't mean to rub it in:):) I love the first coat, very stylish and it will keep one warm. The cape is stylish, but not so practical for me:)

    1. Laying pavers?! Jealous. Well, not of the work involved, but of the fact that outside work can be done in January. :-)

  3. LOVE that first coat? Is it wool? and lined? if so, I think $108 is a steal and you should get it ;-)
    (btw - per your request I started the house tour today on the new blog!)

    1. Yep. Wool and fully lined. Shipping is like $10 or something, but it's still crazy cheap.

      Off to check out your fabulous new house!

  4. That is a bargain on that coat for sure. I got my last one at Old Navy on sale and/or with a coupon (of course) and it ended up being like $50, and they have really nice coats. You can't skimp on one in the cold weather. I always wanted one of those slim, long black down puffer coats. And yes, I am jealous of all those who don't currently need 6 layers to make it out the door.

  5. I'm just glad it's not this time last year - when we did need layers in order to get outside. This year, we've so far had 5 days of frosty mornings, requiring car windscreens to be scraped - but so far, NO SNOW!!!! Long may it continue!

  6. We're stuck in this cold front in Milwaukee today, too. I think I'm going to have to venture out before it snows tomorrow. I definitely dress in layers when it's this cold.

  7. I love that first coat!
    Normally we're freezing this time of year in Oklahoma but it's been pretty warm (40s) this season.

  8. That cape is fabulous ... though I know nothing about a proper warm coat (born and raise in Miami, Florida!)
    ♡ Lexi
    FASHION: Glitter & Pearls
    WEDDINGS: Glitter Weddings

  9. That 2nd cape is lined with my name! I have something similar, in a tiny scale (a cropped riding jacket)
    I feel your pain of having to replace beloved oldies...I'm on my yearly hunt for boots. (Those who know me, know what a serious event that is for me!)
