
Friday, January 20, 2012

The Name Game Pt. 2

Thanks for all of the advice I got the other day when I mentioned maybe/probably changing the name of this ol' blog! You made some good points that I hadn't really thought about before--like how I'm already going through one big transition (working for myself) so I should just do this now, too.

My sister wondered if the new name "Little Nostalgia" would make it sound like I only write about vintage things, which is a valid concern. I'm pretty sold on the name because, well, I do like old things, but also because of the connection is has to my shops. She's probably right about making it a tad more versatile, though, so I'll be thinking of tag-line ideas over the weekend.

In the meantime, I fiddled around in Photoshop!

Maybe I'll put together a couple more while I'm brainstorming tag-lines and then have you guys help me pick a banner next week. Of course, any input would be awesome. I'm no graphic designer.

Why big weekend plans? Are you working on a bloggy makeover too? Or frantically making jewelry for Indie Wed? (Okay, that one's probably just me.)


  1. I did think the same thing about it sounding vintage-y but I love how it goes with your shops. But nostalgia could just reference happy times and memories, which is part of your blog. Like you said, the tagline can help clear it up, and the banner is pretty!

  2. I love the same and think that it will work well with your shops. The new banner is beautiful. Best of luck with your tag lines.

    We're getting 3-5 inches of snow here today so no big plans tonight. My husband and I are going to the symphony tomorrow, and I'm hosting an Etsy Milwaukee meet up on Sunday. Have a great weekend.

    1. Yep, we're getting the same snow here! Booo... Hope your Etsy meet up goes well!

  3. i like the new concept of the banner! and the new name, i say go for it! good luck on all your jewelry making!


  4. Personally speaking, I like names that don't have a direct meaning to what you're blogging/selling if ya know what I mean. ;)

  5. I'm in the process of changing some layout stuff on my blog, too :) Though not a branding name change. The banner looks so cute! Yes, you should do some more samples and post them up for us to look at :)

    Congrats on the leap forward, Paige!

    Erin from EBT :)

  6. I like the name Little Nostalgia and the graphic is so pretty! I'm in the middle of working on a partial blog redesign too. I've been meaning to change a couple of things for months but can never find the time to actually finish it.

    Enjoy all this snow we're getting. Uggh. How long until spring?!


  7. Little Nostalgia is such a cute name! I have been having a little internal struggle with my blog name as well. Part of me wants to change my blog to The Honey Haven to match my shop. But Jenny Igloo is my lifelong nickname, whereas The Honey Haven might be a temporary thing. Oh, blog problems... haha. I think you made the right choice for your blog though :)

  8. I love the name Little Nostalgia and I love the delicate look to the banner!
    This weekend I'll be helping my bestie set up her new blog.

  9. I love the new name! And I am always working on my blog(s) - such an obsession for me!
    ♡ Lexi
    FASHION: Glitter & Pearls
    WEDDINGS: Glitter Weddings
