
Monday, January 23, 2012


Okay, it probably took me way longer than it should have to get these banner ideas done (almost three hours, jealous?), but they're here and ready for your eyeballs. I've also added what I'm considering for the tag-line. As usual, let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Option #1. This is my favorite. It's simple and pretty, but still kind of casual--which is exactly what I'm going for:

Option #2. I like this one a lot, too. Those pictures are just placeholders for now, and I'd put real images in there if I go this direction:

Option #3. And here's the original design I tried, just with the tag-line added. After making the other two, this one feels a tad on the fancy side, but that could just be my early-morning brain speaking for me:

I think I'll pick a banner today and then start implementing everything tomorrow. Just a heads up: the banner and URL will be the first things to change, so if you have me on a bookmark list, that can be switched to anytime tomorrow.

Let me know your thoughts on the banner (or anything else, really, I like to chat), and be sure you stop by to see the new look!


  1. I love the second one. The three little circular pictures are super cute. I'd say a toss up between one or two...either would be great!

  2. I think my vote is for number one, although I do like the typeface on number 2. And I love the tagline. I think that sums it up pretty well and definitely lets people know what they're in for. Yea, I think number 1. :)

  3. I like #3. The typeface is nostalgic and pretty at the same time. You could always use this typeface with the pictures from #2. I think that would look great!

  4. My vote is for #3 also (although - the first one is very close in second place)
    Angie (blogging buddies)

  5. Number 1! Number 1! I like the mix of Helvetica and the floral print.

  6. P.S. I like your tagline; I think it helps with the name concern I had.

  7. Wow, they are all gorgeous! I's probably rank them in the order you have them listed .. the first is my favorite, then the second, then the third, haha! :) But they are all beautiful, nice job!

  8. My vote is for #3. I think it best represents the idea behind the blog and fits better with your jewelry style and overall aesthetic. I like the design of #1, but I don't think it meshes as well with your style.

  9. I definitely like the top one the best. So cool Paige! I'm excited for you :)

  10. I agree with Lori1585, the typeface of No. 3 with the three little pictures from No. 2 would be perfect. There's something about the typeface of No. 1 that I don't like. Maybe it's the bland colors....

  11. Thanks for all the input! I'm actually keeping a little tally on my desk.

  12. They are all great, but my vote is for #3! Nice work!

  13. LOVE the new look! I'm definitely like the first option best and now that I see it on the blog, I'm digging it! :)
