
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Welcome to Little Nostalgia!

If you're confused and looking for the blog that had this...'re actually in the right place. It just went through a name change. Same content, same weird girl writing it (that would be me--hello!), but with a different look.

I tallied all of the comments from yesterday and as you can see, banner #1 was the winner! Not by a landslide, but by a fair amount. For a while there I was afraid it would tie with #3 and then I would've had to throw a dart at the wall to choose. But you guys came through.

Anyhoodle, now that the name is officially different, be sure to update your bookmarks and feeds, if necessary. The new URL is

I suppose I don't have any "real" content for today, except to tell you that I spent another embarrassingly long amount of time updating everything. At least, I hope it was everything. Let me know if some stuff fell through the cracks.

Thanks for all of your input over the past week. You really know how to help a girl out. Virtual high-fives for everyone! Now if you'll pardon me, my over-worked eyeballs need a little rest. I'll be back tomorrow.


  1. I love the new banner! It looks great. Did you make it yourself?

  2. Yay I love the one you chose! Congrats on your new look!! I blogged about your apron today!

  3. Wow, I haven't been by in a while and lots of changes I see. Love the new name and banner Paige:)

  4. I too love the new look, name and the banner! :) Nice job Paige!!!!

  5. Looks great! It took me a minute to find you, but you're lookin' good!

  6. the new looks suits you Paige.

    keep rocking! once you get some shut eye of course.

  7. I missed the banner voting but I would have picked the one you chose anyway!
    Everything is looking really awesome

  8. Looking good!

    Stopping by from Blogging Buddies!


  9. Would of got my vote! The new one looks great!

  10. Very nice. Now I just have to remember that it's changed when I start typing in your url. :)
