
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Color My World

[Looking for Final Clothes-Out? You're there! The name is just different. More on that here.]

The weather has been pretty dreary around these parts, and I think I've been drawn to bright colors to compensate for the slushy puddles in the parking lot. These finds also have kind of a childlike feel, which is funny because the Hubs and I realized we both still use the phrase "when I grow up" even though we're clearly adults.

A quirky butcher's diagram of a little piggy is $25. Hubsy is into butcher diagrams and I like pigs, so maybe when we have more wall space in the kitchen... after we move...

This pair of blue and white love birds is $36. They're plush, so I'm thinking they'd be really adorable pincushions.

Not that we need more art around here, but this funky orange "bonjour" print is $32.

A sea monster valentine that encourages tentacle tangling is $4. They also look a bit like they're high-fiving, which would still work if you're kind of anti-Valentine's Day.

I've never tried a gin and tonic (are they good?) but this made me laugh. $29.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. I also found an orange dress, a yellow purse, and an elephant wall hook. In fact, let me show you the picture of that one:

Total awesome sauce. I'm buying it.

So what have you been digging lately? Bright colors? Tangled tentacles? Elephant hooks?


  1. I'm excited that "Tangerine Tango" is supposed to be the hot new Pantone color for spring, and I hope to see a lot of it. The gin & tonic print is cute! I don't particularly like them but they can be kind of refreshing.

    1. It's funny you mention the Pantone color because when I first saw it, I was disappointed. Clearly I've gotten over that. :-)

  2. I'm on a color kick, too... need some dang sunshine! That elephant is excellent... and as for gin? Make mine a vodka tonic, please and thank you. Orangies Attic

  3. Love that orange print - it is phenom

  4. I definitely crave bright colors this time of year, too. Nice mix of items!

  5. These are all so cute! I love color. It just makes me happy. :)

  6. I always love a splash of color!
    The little birds are so cute! And so is the lemon print :)

  7. great finds! i love that octopus card, too cute :)



  8. I want all of those prints! And that elephant hook! LOVE

  9. I've had a gin and tonic and they are not good as far as taste is concerned! As far as getting wasted... uh yeah, a gin and tonic will do the trick. Very grown up and serious drink. :) Love those birds- super cute!

  10. That bonjour sign is so quirky & cute! I've been digging bright colors lately too, I feel like i've been surrounded by too much gray!

  11. Haha, the gin and tonic poster rocks! I am trying to make exactly that right now because life clearly has just handed me a bag of lemons but... I am not sure I am doing it the right way - great eye problems that don't allow me to comment or post on my blog...

    I love it that you are still thinking of when you grow up, same with me!
