
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pinterest: I Tried It (Gallery Wall)

[Looking for Final Clothes-Out? You're in the right place! We just went through a name change.]

Isn't it funny how you go onto Pinterest with the intention of finding a project to do, and then all of a sudden it's an hour later? And you never picked a project because you ended up laughing at Handmade Ryan Gosling for 45 minutes?

So maybe that happened to me yesterday. Ideally I'd like to do one Pinterest project a week, but it keeps pulling me back into its image-y web and I never get anything done. The project I'm showing you today has been done for two weeks and I haven't finished one since. Whoops.

Behold, a couple of new things were added to the frame wall:

If you look at my decor board, you'll see 9,539 picture clusters and gallery walls. It was hard to narrow it down to a few favorites, but what I like about these three is the variety of elements. All of them include little items that aren't "just" pictures:

Taking another gander at the wall in our house, we have shots of the Golden Gate Bridge and Palace of Fine Arts, a 3-D topography map of San Francisco, the Library of Congress, one of our wedding pictures, a map of Manhattan, and an embroidered Illinois canvas:

I'm leaving it alone for now, but it will probably keep expanding since we buy art the way normal people buy food. Case in point: in April there were only two things on this wall. Now there are seven.

Have you done any house updating lately, art-related or otherwise? Anybody else obsessed with gallery walls and frame clusters?

Linking up to By the Book Paper:

life by the book


  1. No house updating for us! I live in an apartment and am getting married in March! THEN we can get a house. I have house fever so bad! lol I love that wall collage too.

  2. I would really like to join Pinterest, but this is exactly why I'm trying my hardest to stay away! I could get lost for hours looking at new projects...and never actually getting any done! I love browsing Etsy and Pinterest would be even harder to step away from!
    I do love your wall though :) I like that it leaves room for expanding and a mix of black and white and color items.

  3. Wow! Great job. =) This is the first week that I see the Pinterest Thursday, so I will have to try to remember it for next week.
    ~ Kim
    from Blogging Buddies

  4. Yay! I'm so glad you linked up this week! And this came out neat. We need to do something like this when we actually get to hanging stuff on our walls. We've been so bad about that. I like the idea of hanging stuff that's not just pictures. It mixes it up a little bit.

  5. Those are some amazing images!! and ideas...!

  6. Very nice! And I see you chose your banner : )
    and yes, I crack up on the Ryan posts too!

  7. Ooooh, and now to spend more time procrastinating on that Ryan Gosling site... heehee!

  8. Looks good! I lose track of time when I'm reading handmade ryan gosling.

  9. Soooo...until you commented on my blog today I didn't know you were posting! In my dashboard it shows Little Nostalgia but when I click on it the most recent post is the Ch-ch-changes post from 3 days ago. Weird. For lack of a better sucks...because I don't think it'll update when you post!

    1. That's totally weird! I was kind of wondering why my views were down a little. Thanks for the heads up! I'll have to look into that.

  10. I'm working on a gallery wall of my own only I haven't even hung up one thing! I have a bunch of frames and art on the floor and everyday I switch it all around. I can't seem to commit to a design. I keep looking on Pinterest too for gallery inspiration.

  11. I have one, but it could be a little more established than it is at present... But I'm ok with that! The good thing about gallery walls is that they're organic —they're meant to grow/change as you get new stuff.
    (Also: woot, Chicago map!)

  12. I have been procastinating about doing my gallery, but this gives me some great ideas...and motivation!

  13. Very cool idea!! I found you through Blogging Buddies and I awarded your blog with the versatile blogger award!
