
Friday, January 27, 2012

Countdown to Indie Wed!

Indie Wed is tomorrow. And I'm nervous.

I've done plenty of shows before, but this is my first "real" bridal expo. It's a lame metaphor, but I feel like a baseball player getting called up to the big leagues. Or--this one's better--I feel similar to how I did when I started high school: kind of excited, but mostly nervous about how I'd fit in with the bigger kids. I'd rather not be the outcast tomorrow, if ya know what I mean.

Anyhoodle, I need to go quadruple-check the vendor email to make sure I'm not forgetting anything. In the meantime, please enjoy this picture of my messy office:

I'm kind of impressed. I don't think I could get one more thing on that desk if I tried.

What are you up to this weekend? Anybody else have a show?

[P.S. If you follow me through Blogger and the new posts aren't showing up on your dashboard, try un-following and re-following. That should do the trick.]


  1. Paige, you are going to do great at Indie Wed:) Your desk looks like my craft table:):)

  2. Good luck!! I can't wait to hear how it goes, and hopefully your apron will get to you today so you can use it tomorrow!! Then you will definitely be the cool kid lol. :)

  3. Good luck Paige! I'm sure your jewelry will be a hit, take lots of pictures :)

  4. Okie dokie...lets see if that tactic works! I hope to see your posts in my dashboard again soon!!
    And...good luck with the show this weekend :)

  5. Good luck Paige! I hope that it goes really well.

    No shows here this weekend. I'm going to a college alumni event and basketball game this weekend. Next weekend I have an open house.

  6. Good luck tomorrow!! Sell lots!

  7. Thanks, everybody! I'm feeling less nervous as the day goes on.

  8. Your desk looks like my table at the moment. Good Luck tomorrow, I'm sure you'll do great.

  9. Haha! Your desk is nice and packed. That's the way it's supposed to look right before a show, though! :)
    Have fun tomorrow & Best of lucks!!

  10. I swear that my desk is 10 times worse. I guess some mice can be able to build a home on it.

