
Monday, January 2, 2012

What I Wore: Happy 2012!

As promised, I didn't go flashin' my bits on New Year's Eve. We didn't go anywhere fancy, just hung out with another couple, so anything other than this would've been overkill anyway:

sweater: Von Maur
jeans: F21
boots: Charming Charlie

When else can a gal wear a lacy back if not New Year's Eve? And here's a funny story about this shirt: I got it for Christmas this year, and I got another lace-adorned top from somebody else. These two people don't really know each other, yet they have purchased eerily similar gifts in the past, and once wore the same dress to the same wedding. Brain twins!

So how was your New Year's? Did you get all fancy? Anybody brave the bar scene? (We stayed far, far away. It's just so... eew.)


  1. Cute top! Happy New Year! Spent a wonderful evening at home with the kids!

  2. Very pretty top! New follower from blogging buddies! :)

  3. Very cute top and love the boots! I spent the New Year in my pj's (and they were not my fancy pj's) with my kids and hubby.

  4. That's a cute top! I am too old to go to any bars lol! A friend near by had a party so the bf & I hung out there. It was really nice. Happy New Year!

  5. We didn't do much of anything. Put the kids to bed...hubs played his new xBox game (first time using it in 2 years!) and we just hung out.

  6. Cute outfit! Perfect for a new year's with friends :)
    I just wore jeans and a v-neck signature outfit!
    We partied at my brother's with some of his friends and my parents...a good night away from the bar :)

  7. You look gorgeous, love the blouse, boots, everything:) Happy New Year Paige:)

    Kala here, with my new blog:

  8. Super cute outfit. Love the brain twins story.

  9. Yeah, no bars for us either. Even if they weren't gross, they all cost so much money on NYE and many require advance tickets! For what, I've never been able to figure out. Anyway, cute shirt! :)
