
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pinterest: I Tried It (Infinity Scarf)

BOOM! A finished Pinterest project two weeks in a row! That's a personal record, by the way.

I've been wanting to make this pin for a while. Essentially it's adding your favorite quote to a pashmina, but I wanted to change it up a little since I already have so many of those. Instead, I found some jersey in the remnant bin at JoAnn and tried out the same idea on an infinity scarf:

Man, I've been wearing that tan sweater a lot.

You'll need:
a scarf or a long piece of fabric
fabric markers
newspaper or cardboard
needle & thread
meaningful quote

First, find a quote/lyric/poem to add to your scarf. I used this one:

Once you've picked your words, it's time to prepare the fabric. (If you're using a ready-made scarf, you can skip to the next step.) I used jersey because I wanted a thin, lightweight scarf. My remnant was already 60" long, so I left that dimension alone and cut the width down to 13".

Next, put down some newspaper or cardboard to protect your writing surface. Fabric markers tend to bleed and we don't want any mishaps on the dining room table. If your markers are new (like mine were), you'll have to press the nib until the paint comes down. Just to warn you, it's slow.


Now you can write! For the best coverage, apply medium pressure and take your time. Don't press too hard, or you'll just pull the fabric along with you.

If I ever do this project again, I think I'll try a sturdier material. Jersey is SO soft that I couldn't move the marker across the fabric very well. I ended up making 936,234 little dots to form the letters and get decent coverage. Here's a close-up:

Finally, sew the short ends of the fabric together (unless you're in the ready-made scarf group, in which case you're done!). You can do this with a machine if you want, but I didn't feel like fighting that battle so I did it the old fashioned way. It took less than 10 minutes.

And that's it! Not difficult, though I would recommend using a different fabric next time. The dots got old fast.

Have you ever made a scarf? Infinity or otherwise? Maybe you've added some fun quotes to other things? If you did this project, what would your wording be?

Linking up for Pinterest Thursday!


  1. What a fun project! I love that there is so much variety to these...different fabrics, different colors, different quotes...and on and on!

  2. Dang it! I forgot about Pinterest Thursday. =(
    Well, good for you for completing TWO projects in a row!!! This scarf looks amazing! Guess what? I'm pinning this blog post. =)

    from Blogging Buddies

  3. Hey! I remember seeing this tutorial and setting it aside, for later —you know how that goes.
    So glad to see someone actually make it! :)

  4. Oh this is cute! I recently made an infinity scarf as well and became so obsessed with the idea that I went back to store and bought way too much jersey knit fabric. And I haven't touched it since... whoops.

  5. Very cute!! I've pinned it on my DIY board! By the way I've linked Ben's talk he gave at Alt to my article if you want to check it out.

  6. It looks great. Will have to try this if I ever find free time! :)

  7. great looking scarf! Looks fun and easy. What a nice present, esp. if the two of you share a special quote! Thanks for showing the process. {:-Deb

  8. Hey I was wondering.
    I.plan on making one of these on white and then ombre it. Do you suggest writing the words first and then dip-dye for ombre look or dye first then write words?


  9. Hey I was wondering.
    I.plan on making one of these on white and then ombre it. Do you suggest writing the words first and then dip-dye for ombre look or dye first then write words?

