
Friday, February 3, 2012

Pinterest #15

Happy Friday! It's time to let the ol' gray matter relax and look at some goodies Pinterest conjured up this week. First, the cutest darn printables I've seen in a while. Clearly they're for children, but our house is about to get an infusion of them anyway:

Look at this dresser. Nice details, right? Harking back to another time? Well, it's an IKEA hack! One of the best, I must say:

This is a pretty idea for storing your jewelry, and it would work for other small items too:

I would like a card catalog for my studio. Right now. This one would be perfect, but I think somebody's already using it:

This dress is magnificent. A bold color and a bold pattern together without looking like a clown uniform:

Hey, Ryan! Could you hang on a second? Thanks.

Finally, I'm always looking for new ideas to organize my jewelry parts and assorted office-y things. This is a fun idea (and it would mean I can buy more teacups!):

What was your favorite find on Pinterest this week? Who else watching the Super Bowl? (Just me? Okay.) Any other weekend plans? Our baby nephew is coming to down, so there will be lots of squealing and drooling. And the baby will probably do cute stuff, too.

See you Monday!


  1. I love that jewelry board...I think I could do that! Then maybe I could keep all my necklaces out of a wad! Thanks for sharing.


  2. Yeah, those Ryan Gosling pics are so funny. There are so many etsy ones that crack me up. Also, that green dress is gorgeous!

  3. I really like those printables up there! Great Pinterest finds this week. =)
    from Blogging Buddies

  4. I've seen that first jewelry display a couple of times and every time I think I gotta do that, it just looks so cool. :)

  5. Those printables are adorable! The teacup storage idea is awesome, too.

    I'm doing an open house/trunk show in the Chicago area tomorrow and then going shopping during the Super Bowl. Have fun with your family and watching the game.

    Here's one of my favorite pins from this week:

    Link up your Friday Feature post with me!

  6. Great pinterest finds! I love the jewelry in the little bowls; so pretty!

  7. I have had those printables pinned forever! I want to do them for Greta's room.

    I did handmade Ryan Gosling today too! I was telling hubs about it last night and then I found it and showed him, and while I giggled myself silly, he was like, "Yea, I don't get it." Men!

    Someone left me a wedding one! I don't think it's quite as funny, but it's Ryan Gosling, so I'll look.

    1. I saw that one, too! A few of them were funny, but I like the originals more.

  8. That is a great excuse to buy more teacups :) I might just do that.

    This weekend, I'm half-watching the Super Bowl with a friend. Which means having it on in the room, but not watching it at all. I think I'd like to bake on Sunday!

  9. Despite it being competitive to my jewelry organization, I do like the handles for earrings idea. Great finds.

    1. You could always borrow the idea and put it in your shop. I won't tell anybody.

  10. Great ideas! I have always wanted one of those library cabinets anywhere in my home. Imagine what you could store in there. If only I could have one in my soon to be new sewing room!!!! I'd be so happy!

  11. The card catalog would be so awesome...can you imagine how much stuff they could hold!!!
    And the teacups are a cute organizing idea too :)
    Have fun with your nephew this weekend!

  12. These are spectacular! (How can anything with Ryan Gosling not be!)

  13. I really love the cups and saucers as jewelry holder. So shabby chic!
